Chapter 2: One Day

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The room was pitch black as she woke up, almost as dark as nights in the Sahara. It almost didn't take her by surprise. We were supposed to be in route to Luna. Just a while ago it was light out, by now we should be seeing the lights of Artemisia and meeting up with everyone, minus Wolf and Scarlet - at least for the first day. They'd decided to stay at the farm to get their next shipment of crops out....

"Thorne?" she asked into what felt like empty space. "Where are we?" There was no reply. Her whole body ached. She rubbed her head, trying to massage the pain radiating from her sinuses. "Ughhhh."

After (with reluctance and much more will power than she expected) Cress managed to get out of bed and grab a robe from her closet. "Thorne? Where are you?" She walked the Rampion shakily, unable to keep herself from shivering even under the three layers she was wearing. How long had I slept? Thorne was still no where to be found, the Rampion appeared to be docked somewhere, and she could no longer breathe through her nose.

Finding it futile to keep walking around, Cress slumped down in the pilot's seat and wrapped herself in another blanket. She put her feet up on the dash, but noticed there was a note from Thorne.

"Sorry if I made you worry, just had to make a pit stop in Rieux... be back ASAP"

With a sigh, she flipped open her port screen and watched the latest news feed. 

*           *           *

"Cmon, Scarlet, just explain it again."

"I don't have time for this. You should've listened the first time. I need to go get a shipment of tomatoes for Wolf...he kinda ate all of the farm's..."

"Pleaseeeee," Thorne begged. "Just one more time. It will only take a couple minutes, I promise."

"Fine. But you owe me," she groaned, "put the oil in the pot and then sauté the vegetables until they're soft. Then add the spices, along with the broth and bring to a boil. You follow so far?" As she talked she added the ingredients and waved her spoon around.

"Yeah, but you'll give me the actual recipe right, so that I know the amount of stuff that goes in?"

"Oh my stars, Thorne, it's not that hard!" Scarlet shouted, he anger beginning to bubble over.

"I'm sorry... I just want to get it perfect."

"Well if you want to get it perfect, then maybe you should have Cress make it instead, she seems to be the obvious better chef."

"I know, but I wanted to make it for her... she has a cold and I thought she'd like some chicken noodle soup but the canned kind isn't any good. Sorry to waste your time," Thorne shrugged as he walked towards the door. He tried to repeat the recipe in his head so he wouldn't forget it by the time he got back to the ship.

"Thorne... wait. Just take some, it's already made, and here's the recipe in case you still want it." Scarlet flashed him a wry smile as she held out a container with some soup in it. "Hope she feels better."

"Thanks. Um, good luck with the tomatoes," Thorne said, returning the smile. The soup was still warm, so he did his best to hurry back to the ship. When he got back, Cress was already up.

"Where were you?" She stared up at him with her big eyes. He stood behind her holding his findings.

"I decided to go pay Scarlet a little visit since I was going to have to stop at the store anyways."

At Last I See the Light (Lunar Chronicles Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя