Chapter 7: Beautiful Day

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"I just need to know, okay?" Thorne whined.

"Need to know what?" Kai asked innocently.

"NO," everyone screamed. Cinder rolled her eyes.

"What am I not allowed to ask a question around-"

"No you are not. Questions directed towards Thorne while Cress isn't here will only end badly," Winter whispered, "at least that's what I've been told."

"Shouldn't we at least give him a chance?" Kai looked at Thorne pitifully.

"I'M STANDING RIGHT HERE. All I wanted to know is if Cinder says that Scarlet is cooler than me... she's flirting, right?"

"Where'd you get that idea?"

"Well if Scarlet is cooler, that means I'm hotter- "

"Oh stars what have I done... I should've never asked," Kai muttered as he crept slowly back from the door he just entered.

"I guess he's just going into denial. Can't handle his lady being so loving towards me," Thorne blurted triumphantly. Cinder rolled her eyes again, this time glaring at Thorne. "Pffff she's not even denying it."

"Do you ever shut up?" Scarlet gave Thorne a murderous look.

"Well you know there are a couple things that would make me be quiet," he smirked.

"You. Wish," Scarlet fired back, "you know just because Cress isn't here to keep you sane doesn't mean you have to cope by making eyes at every living thing that breathes. Oh and to answer your question, I am much hotter than you."

Suddenly, a knock came from the door of the Rampion. They were docked at Benoit Farm for the weekend... Cress wasn't supposed to be back from delivering Antidotes until tomorrow... Thorne hadn't gone with her because he had a cold, but he seemed to be doing fine now. Cinder offered to go with her but Cress said she wanted to do something for herself, so that was that.

"Saved again, Carswell," Scarlet said as she got up to get the door. "Who's missing?"

"Kinney?" Iko suggested, her eyes filled with hope. But at last, he was stuck in Artemisia. It had been a couple days and he'd only called once, and mostly just talked to Cinder.

"It's... uh... a girl?" Scarlet peered outside again, just to make sure she was seeing straight.

"I... uh..." The girl rubbed her arm nervously. "You wouldn't happen to know a man named Ze'ev, would you?" The young girl paused, and looked up only to see Scarlet staring back, very confused. "Who am I kidding, why would he be here, I should've known... sorry..." Her voice trailed off and she turned on her heels to leave.

"Um... Wolf? I think she's here for you? He's... in here." The girls big green eyes beamed, and she peered inside the Rampion. She couldn't have been more than 14 years old, but yet she was here looking for Wolf. She was short with a mane of brown, curly hair that was forced into a half-up, half-down hairstyle. "Ze'ev?"

"Do I know you?" Wolf looked confused, but also curious. His brows furrowed as he tried to remember.

"No, probably not. But it's you... it's really you!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around Wolf's enormous frame. "I can't believe you're alive!"

"Neither can I?"

"It's just that... I saw what they did to you... what Levana did to you... and when I esca- was released there was no where to go, I thought for sure you were dead. I was living in the outer sectors with someone I met for a couple years, except a couple days ago there was this man, I heard him on a call with Cind- Princess Selene. I knew from the news feed that she'd know where you were. He told me you were in Rieux and gave me a ride... he's actually still outside, he didn't think anybody wanted to see him so he's just waiting out there. But stars, Ze'ev, you're alive!" She grinned up at him. Crazy as it may sound, Wolf could've sworn he saw two little fangs on the sides of her mouth.

"Wait, slow down. Who's outside?"

"A man, he said you knew him." Despite the freezing cold, everyone scurried outside - whether they were wearing shoes or not. Iko was the first to run out through the snow, with Thorne and Scarlet chasing behind her.

"Kinney," Iko whispered to herself, already racing through the snow. As soon as she was standing in front of him, their eyes locked. "What're you doing here?"

"I'm sure Rose already talked your ear off."

"Yeah, but how exactly does she know Wolf?"

"You're my sister?!" Wolf squealed from inside, though, all of Rieux probably heard him. Kinney simply pointed his hand up in the air. "I have a sister!"

"That. That is how she knows him." The second the words left his mouth, Kinney was dragged inside.


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