Dressrosa Madness

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Mama's close connections with the underworld would probably be what saved me from my own mistake. I was a fool for thinking that removing Blackbeard out of the picture would solve the whole 'Super Evil Madness that is bound to happen somewhere down the road' from happening. After all, there were still great crazies out there like Doflamingo, Kaido, all the underlings and even my own biological egg donor...or Mama.

Nevertheless news spread quickly throughout the underworld of the Joker's new plans.

The Yami Yami No-mi

Of course. Why didn't I see it before? Through Ace's death Doflamingo had somehow gotten his hands on the fruit and used it to jump-start the Dressrosa arc. Now with the death replaced from Ace to Blackbeard, it seems only logical that Doflamingo would use the Yami Yami No-mi instead. Sure, it didn't have the same history as Ace's great adventures throughout the New World but enough was known about the fruit to be considered...well...quite strong.

Blackbeard to begin with was a member of the Whiteboard Pirates who was nominated to become a Division Commander multiple times; he then left the crew after killing a Division Commander Thatch. Through the use of his fruit he was able to wreck havoc on many islands throughout Paradise and then managing to beat Fire Fist Ace. Perhaps the cherry on top would be that he was a Warlord of the Sea as well. Through all of this combined...the Yami Yami No Mi had quite the notoriety.

Me: Would be a mess if someone decides to go full Blackbeard with that fruit...

Chances are some rookie from Doflamingo's family would take the fruit and make a small name for themselves but the potential the fruit itself held was way too dangerous. When I was reincarnated I wasn't able to finish One Piece (not that it was done anyway). Heck, I was only halfway through the Wano Arc (AN: I'm up to date) when the shit happened.

Whether the most evil fruit in the world really has the ability to take in multiple fruits or if it was just Blackbeard is a mystery. Perhaps the fruit makes people mad? Whatever the case, I didn't kill Blackbeard just so another wildcard could take control.

I signaled the homie outside of my room by ringing a small glazed bell.

Homie: Yes Miss Syrup?

Me: Inform Mama that I am going on a small...business trip. Tell her that I'll be back with the Joker's personal stash of sweets.

Homie: At once my Lady

With the Homie gone, I began to make my preparations for Dressrosa. It should be a good time to try myself against the major forces lying in wait. If I count the dates right, I should be in time for the Straw Hat madness to begin.

The Straw Hat Crew, Heart Pirates (or just Law really), the Revolutionary Army, gladiators, Doflamingo, and the Marines who brought an actual Admiral. The things were going to go down for sure.

Me: Let's see how I measure up, shall I?

Dressrosa was a massive island in the New World; compared to the other islands around the world...? Average. This was mostly because New World Islands tended to be smaller and dangerous as a general basis. The fact that an island can actually support an entire country instead of linking multiple together was a wonder. Sure, it would make controlling the place easy as was probably the reason why Doflamingo chose Dressrosa out of all the available places.

Coming up to the docks of Dressrosa hidden away on a typical Merchant ship, I drew the hoodie up on my head and into the crowd, blending into the streets of the city and becoming undetectable from anyone.

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