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What if...she was reincarnated into BIG MOM instead?


Waking up all alone in a grassland among an empty table, a house way too small and a body that is not fun at all.

No. Not at all.

It takes a few moments for her to realize something is off...very off. She was young by traditional standards before this happened (19 years old) and waking up in a body of child was quite annoying.

The thing was, the body of the said child was too large. Her height matched the trees, she didn't fit through the doors of the wooden shack, the chairs, tables, and everything just seemed too small.

It wasn't until she found a pool (or was it a lake?) of water and peered back at her reflection that she realized what had happened. A horrible sinking feeling as realization dawned on her.

A large round face that was at least a fourth of her body. Impossibly large eyes with pupils between orange and green. A chubby body of a child who couldn't be older than 7...and most notably the disorganized, curly pink hair tied into a horrible resemblance of sheeplike features on both side of her head.

Looking down she saw her dress; a pink polka dotted child-like clothes on a lighter shade of pink. Round arms bending as if they were just one bendy limb instead of having joints like a normal person...

A horrible sense of hunger dawning on her at the bottom of her stomach.

She knew who she was...she hated who she was. Why...of all people did she have to be reborn as her? A mad glutton, hunger pangs, a childlike god...Big Mom.

Why, oh why, was she Charlotte Linlin?

... ...

Things needed to go differently. She had no plans on letting things continue or flow the way it once did...or will.

Blinded and lost to her hunger, Mama will not stop until she has her treat. She will have no memories or recollection of what has happened

No... no...she can't become that

That was our deal, wasn't it? You are no longer my husband any longer. Mamama!

The taste of blood lingering on her tongue...the pieces of flesh and wood stuck between her strangely rounded's too much. It's too much...

I'll get you Straw Hat!!

The lowest of the low. The cannibal. A loose cannon. She wouldn't become that. No...she refuses to become Oda's monstrosity. She was herself...she was still university student studying economics...she wasn't that...she would never become that. She wouldn't allow herself.

Things would go differently...she would make things flow differently.

She knew what was to come and exactly what things could help her. For now...that was enough. She would not be becoming Big Mom.

... ...

Mother Caramel had tried to sell her to become a CP agent for the World Government, the greatest the world has ever seen. She was no fan of the World Government or open to the idea of joining them but right now...there was no better choice to follow.

She could go with Streusen (the chef) to terrorize the world and put a bounty on her head early on...or she could learn valuable things of this world which would help her, feed her, and grow until she no longer needed them.

Welcome to the Charlotte Family: A One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now