Fishmans Fishmans

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Chapter 24

Out of anyone in the Big Mom pirates that is not a Fishman, I have probably visited Fishman island the most. Something about the place just resonates with me and gives me a feeling of peace when I am in that place. Being there so much I have come to form a relation between King Neptune, his princes, even Princess Shirahoshi when I accidentally stopped a number of daggers from reaching her. Of course, Jimbei and I were old friends by now; we didn't have the best relationship judging that it was partially (if not all) my fault that Fishman Island was no longer under the protection of Whitebeard and instead Big Mom. Still, we had mutual respect for each other as he knew the reason as to why I had proposed such a thing to Mama.

This time, things have been going pretty bad in Fishman Island and they have been getting very close to not being able to match the quota of Fishman Candy so I was going to check what was going on. Obviously I knew about the new Fishman Pirates forming and they were causing more trouble than good so maybe it was time to wipe them out should they have been the ones to cause an interference.

This time I was going to Fishman Island with Sir Peckoms and Baron Tamago to collect this month's offering of 10 tons of Fishman Candy. Arriving at the island, I could already sense that something was wrong. Something had gone very very wrong. Much of the island was destroyed and the entire atmosphere of the Fishmans was not what it used to be.

We got our answer when Peckoms talked to the Minister of the Left of the Fishman Kingdom.

Peckoms: Like I've been saying Minister of the Left ROOARR—

Left: Is there any way we might possibly get you to overlook this matter? The factory was attacked in the incident!

Peckoms: This CIVIL WAR has nothing to do with us!!! ROOAR!! And I was looking forward to this trip since I was starving!! You gentlemen are supposed to prepare a once in a month offering!!! Then I buy Mama's Name! Wasn't that the deal, hmm??!!

Me: Now now Peckoms. In situations like this you must keep calm.

Peckoms: But Lady Syrup! It looks like these fools don't know the consequences of their actions! Rooarr! Fishman Island and the Big Mom Pirates have an alliance based on an agreement...and when that agreement is broken and Mama is mad...! You are DOOMED!!

He even took off his sunglasses to emphasize the point to the Minister of the Left but all it did was make him look cuter. I mean seriously, if he wants to be intimidating he should talk more quietly and remove the 'roar' from his sentences. Also, it looks as if the Fishman Island arc has just finished by the look of things. That means the Straw Hat Pirates are here right now. And right on time, I sensed a very distinct rubber man and his crew coming towards our location.

Luffy: The meat was good but Fishman Island Sweets are the best!

Around me, the fish mans tried to shush Luffy but since it was Luffy, it didn't work.

Luffy: Oh, that catfish guy is there as well!

Peckoms: Sweets? He had Sweets?! There better be an explanation for this!! Roar!

Tamago: Peckoms. Threatening people left and right will not get you anywhere. Let us talk this out peacefully. The tea party is in four days...if we send the boat out by tomorrow, then we should make it on time.

Unfortunately, looking towards the direction of the factory where the Big Mom Pirates' Jolly Roger was hung, it was obvious that it had been damaged as well. I already knew that it would take much longer than a day to fix it up to get it running again.

Me: Well, that is obviously a problem isn't it Straw Hat? That flag up there belongs to Mama, Charlotte Linlin of the 4 Emperors. What that means is this island is protected by the Big Mom Pirates.

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