Edward Newgate

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Chapter 8

I couldn't afford to go easy on them anymore (not that I wasn't trying my hardest against Vista). The Whitebeard Pirate Commanders were nothing to scoff at, even if they seemed much weaker than the average Sweet Commander. Of course, there were a few exceptions like Marco, Jozu, Vista and possibly Teach (who is not a commander). But most importantly, I had no way of escaping. There was nothing but the open ocean around me and if I was going to go down...I was going to go down fighting.

Rule number one. If an enemy is down, make sure they can't get back up. To me, that meant going after the weaker commanders first...if I could just avoid all of the stronger ones trying to get to me that would be easier.

There was no way I could hold back on using haki now; the 16 Division commanders surrounded me, each holding onto their signature weapons. But are they dumb? 16 People and a quarter of them holding guns in close quarters. They were basically just asking me to make them friendly fire.

I activated my observation and rushed to the closest commander holding a pistol. As she fired at me, I dodged them easily as I heard a grunt behind me. I sensed a commander who had been shot and a few more who has trying to take advantage of my turned back. Of course, they didn't seem to realize that I could tell everything they were doing.

I grabbed the barrel of the gun and kicked it away before grabbed her by the shoulder and doing a Judo flip on her into the deck of the Moby Dick. I then realized that an Adam Wood deck to the face does more damage than I realized; however, I didn't have time for that as I raised her semi-conscious head as a meat shield for Sprint, another division commander.

Wait...was the pistol holding girl a guy? I think I heard that Izo was a crossdresser...well. Whatever his fetish is I won't pry.

As he came face to face with my meat shield, he came to a sudden halt in which I used to use soru right to his face. Just as I was about to move past him, I covered my left knee in armament haki which collided straight to his face as he was sent flying into the ocean. If he's really a commander, then he should be fine.

The next few minutes was a mess of blades, guns, and flipping. My years of fighting so many different martial artists came in handy as I avoided their blades and made them face each other, which obviously made them hesitate. Due to this predictable behavior, I didn't need to use future sight yet, which was a lifesaver since looking into the future drains my concentration and makes me lose focus after an extended period of time.

I kicked Ace away just as he was trying to punch me with a flame covered fist before grabbed him by the arm and shoving his still lit hand into someone behind me. I heard am muffled scream but I didn't give it a chance as I kicked back without looking at who it was.

Me: You logia make horrible meat shields

Ace only gave a muffled scream before being thrown out into the sea. It was getting a bit too hot to continue holding onto him.

It's been thirty minutes in a complete mess as the commanders fell off one by one. Which in reality was a bad thing for me as now the fewer commanders can coordinate their attacks. To be honest, they were more like sampling me. Testing me one by one to see how I fight while I was unable to make a decisive strike on anyone.

Me: So it's you three again.

Diamond Jozu, Marco the Phoenix, and Petal Sword Vista. The strongest of the Whiteboard Pirates (excluding himself of course).

Marco: You're pretty strong little miss. I didn't know that the old hag had a child like you. Ever heard of this one, pops?

Newgate: I've heard rumors about her but nothing much is known since she always removes evidence of what she did. Is that you?

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