Chapter 50

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(A/N: I'm super duper sorry to all of the people that have been waiting for this chapter! I have been swamped with so many things in my personal life that I didn't get to sit down and finish writing this chapter until very recently. Thank you to all who have stayed interested in this story and I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

A gasp escaped Xander's lips as he was brought back to reality. Elise's body now rested on the ground in front of him, still unconscious. Somehow, he knew not to worry about her. Looking around he noticed that his friends were now standing around him. "We thought something happened to you since you didn't answer me trying to talk to you telepathically," Andrew said and Xander sighed and sat down. Exhaustion had begun to seep into his body and was catching up to him. 

"So... What exactly happened in there?" Hunter questioned as he looked between him and the unconscious girl.

"I just reminded her that the girl we grew up with was not the same girl that Victor wanted her to be," the pale boy explained. Vanessa smiles and gently pats his arm.

"You managed to change her," she said and Xander shook his head.

"It wasn't about changing her, it was about getting her to realize that this wasn't all she had," he corrects. Dr. Hathaway steps up and places a pill in each of the teenagers' hands.

"Here, these are the energy tablets from the school. I have a feeling that this is far from over," he says. The students throw their heads back and swallow the tablets. As they do so, a loud crash is heard and the building begins to shake. Lights and ceiling pieces begin to rain down from above. This catches the attention of the group as they quickly make their way outside into the dark night. Hoping they could find their friend and stop this madness once and for all.

Al's POV

"Come on Alphonse! You can't be getting tired after all this time? Isn't this what you wanted? A chance to get even with the man who made your life impossible is right at your fingertips and you're gonna give up?" Victor taunts with a smirk. I slowly rose from the ground only to get kicked back again. A groan escapes from within me as I wheeze in pain. Looking up, I am met with the very crazed expression on my father's face as he aims the sword at my throat. Only visible by the light of the full moon above us.

"You won't kill me... You need me," I mumble and he rolls his eyes.

"Trust me, at this point, I'd rather kill you than keep up with my old plan," he says and raises the sword. I take this window and jump away from him, creating a significant distance between us. He wastes no time in rushing at me and keeping me in a defensive state as he aims to slash at me with the weapon. I catch a glimpse of a blue blur before watching Victor's body fly past me, the sword falling out of his hand in the process. In front of me stands Xander whose body now glows the same bright blue as his eyes. I open my hand and feel the sword materialize in it again. With newfound determination, I approach my father but am beaten to him and I am left to witness as Xander lays seemingly forceful hits on the man. I could clearly see the fury behind his punches and could tell that they were surely painful but that didn't seem to stop my father from delivering a forceful headbutt to him.

"Xander!" I shout worriedly as I rush forward and push him out of the way, just in time to get a face full of Victor's glowing fist. My eyes quickly water as the pain spreads across my nose and throbs constantly. I grip my sword tightly as Victor raises his hand for another hit. I quickly thrust my sword his way, only to watch it stop inches away from his chest. I put in all of the effort remaining in my body to shove the sword closer to him but it doesn't move an inch. I knew he was using telekinesis to stop the sword but I didn't think that after all of this fighting he would still be this powerful. I slowly began to feel the exhaustion starting to creep in meaning I didn't have a lot of time left to keep fighting.

"Getting tired, are we? Don't worry my dear boy... This will be over very soon. When I finally destroy you, I kill all of those useless friends of yours and finally go back to my experiments..." Victor tells me, with a twisted smile on his face. I shake my head and try to push the sword again only to still not watch it move. My arms began to burn and ache and I could feel the severity of my wounds begin to kick in making me wince. Victor began pushing against my strength and little by little the sword began to move away from him. I could hear the shouts and screams from my friends but my mind was so overwhelmed with the idea of Victor winning this fight that I couldn't focus on what they were saying. I felt a gentle hand lay on my shoulder and a familiar presence appear behind me. I slowly turned to look, I couldn't help but freeze.

There stood my mother, along with rows and rows of different people, all bearing crowns and the same markings as me. The stood side by side with such confidence and strength radiating from them. She smiled at me and I could faintly sense her hands on my shoulders. "It's about time you finish this, don't you think?" She asked and I slowly nodded. I quickly turn back to Victor and with some newfound strength, I began pushing back against his power. It felt like the power, strength, and determination of every person behind me had been infused into me.

It happened in the blink of an eye. I watched as Victor's eyes widened and his sick and twisted smile slowly faded. I found myself pushing the sword as far as it would go through the man's chest with a shout escaping my lips at the same time. The hilt of the sword was the only thing visible on my end. It felt like everything was in slow motion from that point on. Pulling the sword out of his chest, his body falling, and the rise of the early morning sun. "You won't... Be able to cause anyone pain ever again," I mumbled softly. I felt the presences disappear and I found myself dropping my sword and falling to my knees. Every sound was drowned out by all of my tiredness hitting me at once. Only being able to make out a few voices before completely collapsing into a dark abyss. 

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