Chapter 17

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(Picture: Aidan Shaw as Dr. Hathaway. Pretty people genes do run in this family)

When I came to, I was surrounded by the familiar beige/white-colored walls of the school's medical wing. Dr. Hathaway told me that I had been out for almost a week, which seemed to be just enough time for my recovery to almost be complete. He told me then that a rescue team had been sent for us when we didn't check-in after the first half-hour mark. This rescue team arrived minutes after we had finished defeating the beasts in the lobby. By then, the building had been cleared out and we were the only ones there. I was scared to ask the question that haunted my mind, but nevertheless, I did.

He didn't sugarcoat it. Cora had almost four dozen of her bones crushed. One of the many ribs of hers that had been shattered ended up piercing through her heart which caused her to die from internal bleeding. At first, I couldn't believe it. It had to be a joke, Cora hadn't died.

But when Hunter and Elise came to visit me the next day, they confirmed it. They had personally seen her body and made sure she was given a proper burial. One I couldn't attend to because out of us three I was the worse. I couldn't feel my body at all. Dr. Hathaway had informed me that I had broken various ribs and that I had a concussion.

My mind finally settled on Al, whom I hadn't heard the news from since my awakening. As I quickly sat up and went to ask the question, my body screamed in protest. I hissed in pain as I slowly laid back down. He chuckled at my display of worry and shook his head when I asked about his condition when he began to check on my vital signs. "He told us everything they did to him over there. Even then, that dumb kid got up every morning early enough so no one would catch him just so he could come and check up on you all. He didn't stay in bed no matter how much we told him it was for his own good so we strapped him down. He's a fighter, a stubborn fighter for sure" he revealed as he looked at me. My eyes widened in shock at hearing this. 'Did he really get up just to check up on us? Even in his beaten-up state?' I found myself asking. I watched as Dr. Hathaway turned to leave but stopped and stepped aside to let three people walk in. Hunter, Elise, and Andrew walked into the room and smiled at me.

"Good evening, Dr. Hathaway" Andrew greeted at the door. Dr. Hathaway smiled and waved at him. They exchanged words quietly and I saw Andrew's expression change from calmness to an expression that was a mix of anger, fear and worry all in one. He looked down as he walked over and once again, Dr. Hathaway decided to take his leave.

"Wait!" I called out as he was halfway out the door.

"Yes, Mr. Colt?" he answered, addressing me by my last name.

"I need serious answers. Being that you are the remaining member of Al's family I feel like you're the only person who can give me these answers" I say and watch as his body tenses up. Back when Al was being accused of murder, I remember the members of the Board call Al by Dr. Hathaway's last name. You didn't need rocket science to put two and two together. The doctor slowly walked back into the room and shut the door behind him. We all perked up in attention as he turned to look at me in the eyes. There was a slight hesitation in his eyes but he still walked forward until he was standing in front of my bed.

"What are your questions, Alexander?" he asked and I took a deep breath.

"I want to know everything about Al's past. And I want to know if there's any possibility that my past and his are linked in some way" I say and he nods slowly.

"Xander, are you talking about what happened back there?" Hunter asked from beside me. I turned and saw that both he and Elise were just as curious as I was. Of course, Andrew looked between us with a confused look on his face.

"It would make sense if both of you were linked through your pasts since you seem to show the same abilities. But we've known you for so long that I'm sure that we'd remember meeting Al as well" Elise stated and I nodded in agreement. It didn't make sense that we'd have the same powers but never had met nor crossed paths until now.

"I was adopted at the age of seven. I don't remember my life from before then. Who says Al and I couldn't have met back then? If there's a slim chance I'll get to remember anything I need to know if Al had something to do with it" I say confidently. Dr. Hathaway stayed quiet for a while before sighing.

"Just know, I'm about to tell you all information that no other living human knows. So you have to promise me on your lives that you won't tell another soul what you are about to hear" He said in a low tone. 'I could tell he was being serious about this, but the question is... Why? What was so bad that he couldn't tell us straight up?'

"We're all Al's friends. We would never dare to say anything that could hurt him" Elise began and we all nodded.

"Well, I'm about to reveal to you all things that would probably get me killed just because I know about it. I'm going to tell you Alphonse's origin" He said as he placed his clipboard down and removed his dark green glasses.

Why do I feel like we're about to find out something that will change our lives as we know it?

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