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Hey! You there! Hello? Oh okay, you're paying attention.

Okay, now that I have your full and undivided attention, get ready for an adventure! A very emotional... and dramatic.... and weird adventure. Which also happens to be my life's story.

My name is Xander Colt and just like you, I had a pretty normal life. I grew up a pretty decent kid, went to school, and had to deal with the occasional family squabbles just like you. As I said before, a pretty normal life, right?

Well, that didn't really last long because a petty war broke out and it manage to turn my normal life into a chaotic one. This is gonna be the type of story where you'll get to travel through the struggles and losses that my friends and I will go through to end a problem that is much bigger than we thought.

Do play the video above to get a feel for this prologue and enjoy.

~The Beginning of the End as we knew it~

I remember when it all first began like it was just yesterday.

Back then, it was nothing more than harmless threats in between countries. You'd think that the adults would be able to solve their differences and come to an understanding. At least, we hoped they could. Back then, I was a simple middle schooler just hanging out with friends, as one normally does. To this day and age, I still remember what we were talking about while walking home. "The beginning of the end", as we all now call it. We argued about who would be the best fighter. This coming from us, a bunch of twelve-year-olds who had never been in any fights.

We didn't get farther than three blocks from the school when we felt the ground vibrate beneath our feet. Slowly, one by one, our voices died out and our conversation disappeared leaving silence to replace it. We didn't understand it at first. Then we heard a sound that made our blood run cold. A loud blaring alarm cut through our silence. I was the same alarm that had been tested every summer since I was small to indicate the start of a war. This alarm was supposed to ring throughout the country when an attack upon us. We knew that if it rang for longer than three minutes, it wasn't a drill. We all relaxed, thinking it was probably a drill, and just stood there for a long while, feeling the unexplained vibrations under us waiting for the alarm to stop. 

Then it hit us.

It was the middle of the school year, and the government would always give warnings when alarms need to be tested as per the routine. We soon heard the booming sound of a bomb going off in the distance. I remembered how fear slowly accumulated in my chest and when I looked up at my friends' faces, I could see that they were just as scared as I was. We stood there for a short while, too afraid to move until a bomb landed and exploded long a few yards in front of us. A large crater had replaced the space where the sidewalk was supposed to be. It didn't take long for us to process what had just happened because only seconds later, we were all running as fast as we could back to the school. 

There were people pushing us while they were running; in the same direction mind you, which made it almost impossible to stay on our feet. It was complete and utter chaos to say the least. The panic-filled screams only seemed to motivate us to run faster no matter how much our legs and lungs began to burn. It took us ten or so minutes to get back and as we entered, we noticed that the school had already sheltered many people. We all quickly dashed into the school's gymnasium expecting there to be more room and fewer people but there didn't seem to be an end to the people that were arriving. More and more people began to arrive, some in worse conditions than others. I was shocked to see that some people were being carried in by policemen with serious wounds and sometimes even severed limbs. That was all it took for me and my friends to start crying.

At the time, we didn't know that it was going to get worse. We didn't know that we wouldn't see our families or each other again. By the time we'd been hit with the hard truth, we were all being sent off somewhere to help with the war. That was the last time I saw them... 


One day, many years after the beginning of what seemed like a never-ending war, one of the main instructors tells me that I have been picked to train and fight in the big leagues. I didn't exactly know what that meant but I was willing to bet that it was better than staying in the crappy little 'Base' I'd called home for the last few years or so. With no objections, I packed up and loaded my stuff onto a bus where twelve or so kids that I'd never met had filled up the back of the bus. I slowly took my seat at a two-seater in the front and sighed. The doors slowly closed and we began to pull away from the building, I began thinking about what this move would bring me. Would I get to fight in the actual war? Would I ever get to see my friends again? Were they even alive?

I shook my head and sighed knowing that if I thought too much, I'd just cloud my mind with stress. I laid my head against the cool glass of the window and watched as the cleared plain that was once filled with wildlife slowly pass us by. In a matter of minutes, I had managed to somehow fall asleep. Dreaming of a world free of war. Something, which I believe was nothing more than simply a fantasy.

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