Chapter 20

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We were released from the medical wing too early in my opinion. So as per usual, we ended up having to go back to classes like normal students. Dr. Hathway told us that Al had to stay behind because they had to perform routine checkups to make sure he fully healed before going to classes again. For the rest of us, it was a boring day going to our regular classes and workshops. Our classes had found out about the mission and I still don't even know if we completed the mission.

It took no time for our classmates to swarm us with questions. The students here were so good at everything that an incident like the one we had was very rare. I decided to ignore the various questions asked by my peers and pay attention to class. Even then, nothing we did would be enough to distract us from Cora's death. Even though we cherished our memories with her, it killed me to think that she didn't make it. Hunter and Elise were saddened by her death but they at least had the comfort of being able to bid her goodbye when they attended her funeral.

We were all slowly moving on but we weren't as crushed as Al was. When I told him about it, I could tell that her death really hit him hard. This was something I had wished I could've talked to him about, but it seemed like he wasn't in the mood to even talk. So, for the time being, I decided it was best if I left it alone and gave him time to grieve on his own.

As I copied notes on Advanced Stealth Techniques, the classroom door opened. All twenty-seven heads in the class; plus our teacher's, turned to look at the door and watched as Al stepped in and shut the door behind him. "Sup Mr. Sendrick," He greeted our teacher who stared at him in shock. Al's left cheek had a gauze-like patch on it and he wore a navy blue short-sleeved shirt. His neck was covered in bandages that were thick enough to worry most people. More bandages were seen going from under the sleeves and down to his wrists. He wore a normal pair of grey sweatpants with the school's acronym in large white letters going down his right leg. Plus a pair of black sneakers. His hair was pulled back in its regular small ponytail and surprisingly he was wearing his black and red glasses. I could hear the girls comment on his 'handsomeness' while the guys just stated how manly he was for arriving to class in his "injured" state.

"Alphonse! You're supposed to be with Dr. Hathaway! You're in no condition to be attending class!" Our teacher exclaimed after finally snapping out of his shocked state.

"I'm fine. My legs aren't broken, my wrists work fine and my fingers aren't broken nor missing, I can see and speak, and last but not least I can breathe just fine. I believe that is all I need to attend class, don't you believe so too Martin?" He asked daring to use his first name. Some students ooh'ed at Al's daring response while our teacher just grumbled. He sighed tiredly and very deeply then motioned for Al to take his seat. He smirked and walked past the rows of tables and moved over to the empty seat next to me. He dropped his book bag, which I didn't even notice he had with him, and he sat next to me. He gave me a small smile which got me to snap out of my shocked state as well.

"What are you doing here?" I half-whispered half yelled as I heard Mr. Sendrick continue his lesson.

"I snuck out of the medical wing. Uncle Nathan is gonna be so pissed when he does his rounds and doesn't find me in my room. A small risk to take to get out of that boring place. One can only do nothing for so long Xan," he explained in a hushed tone. My eyes widen and his smile grew wider.

"He's gonna kill you, Al," I muttered tiredly and he snickered next to me.

"As you've seen, I can take care of myself just fine Xander" He mumbled as he began to twirl a pen between his fingers. I noticed that from underneath the bandages on his arms, a very faint purple glow flashed for a split second and then disappeared. I smacked Al's arm hard enough to scare him but soft enough that no one noticed. He looked over at me in shock and I growled.

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