Chapter 3

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(A/N: This is a continuation of the last chapter. It's mostly to explain the details and steps that need to be done during one of their missions)

"So Xander, What new skills did they teach you?" Hunter asked.

"Well, I've been especially good with computers and calculations. And I have handled guns before but I can't say I'm very good at them"

"That means you can be a perfect Field Logistics expert. That is if you pass our test" he said and my eyes widened.

"T-Test?" I stammered and he smirked.

"Don't worry Xander. It's not a hard test. You'll just have to guide one of us through an exercise of our choosing and if you succeed, that's it!" Elise explained after appearing next to me. "It's a piece of cake, trust me" she assured me while gently shaking my shoulders.

"It's not hard at all. Just pray you don't get Max. He's a rage fighter" Cora whispered while standing on the other side.

"Oh, he won't be using me as a test dummy. If a member gets hit in the simulation they feel the pain of the hit in real life. So I'm appointing Al to him. He can handle pain just fine" Max declared, obviously hearing Cora's statement. All eyes landed on the carefree guy who simply shrugged and smiled.

"I'm up for a challenge. And saying yes gets me out of doing an extra set during training, so it's a win-win for me" He said. Max rolled his eyes in annoyance as we walked into the training area which was completely empty.

"Is it supposed to be this empty?" I asked while looking around. The gym was huge. On one side there was a shooting range with different guns arranged on the walls. On the other side, there was a mix between a wrestling mat area and a space perfect for simulation training with a room specifically for computer kids to use to create the simulations. I only knew this because my old school had one. It was way smaller but it was enough so that we had a place to practice our skills.

"Yeah, today is a common day for students to chill after weeks without end of fighting and learning. Some of us take today to train a bit, and or relax" Hunter explained and I nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna go hook myself up. Good luck Xander" Al called as the team lead me to the control room. I walked over to the table with rows of computers and other training machinery and sat down. I quickly typed in the details and coordinates of the simulation given to me by Max, then we waited for the custom-made simulation to load. I heard the muffled buzz of the intercom being on and looked up at him.

"Are you ready Al?" I heard him ask from beside me. I noticed the goggles that Al wore were much more advanced than the ones my old school used and that the arsenal of weapons that could be used was also larger and seemed way cooler than anything I'd seen before.

"Yep," he answered. The scenery took a while to load but when it did a battlefield appeared as the simulation on my screen.

"This was Max's choice wasn't it?" he called out. Max smirked while Al rolled his eyes. Smoke covered most of the grounds and his view of the actual battlefield itself. Even with my view being bigger than what Al's goggles allowed him to see, I knew that this map was supposed to be hard due to its limited vision. I finished setting up the gadgets I was taught to use at my old training base and double-checked everything before putting on a headset so I could hear both Al and the actual battlefield. The only sounds that could be heard were the occasional sound of bombs going off in the distance and the sounds of rifles firing. I heard a bomb go off, and due to the loudness of it, it must've been close to him. I heard as he let out a tired groan and as he slowly looked around the area.

"Okay Al, there are thirty opponents in this simulation. They're widely spread out so be wary" I warned and watched as he slowly cracked a smirk.

"It's cute that you'd tell me to be wary. But you can relax, I already know," he said and I rolled my eyes at his cocky attitude. He began to move slowly and cautiously as he studied the terrain. I instantly noticed a shift in the smoke in the area and I saw him become concentrated.

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