Chapter 23

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(Picture is of AL's outfit)

Xander's POV

Just as she wanted, Elise managed to get us ready for a party. It was harder to get ready for medieval times ball. Seeing as none of us owned suits to match the theme and for some reason, Elise didn't want us wearing normal suits to this things. Somehow, she knew someone who was able to get our measurements and got custom made suits and a dress for herself. Although she had gotten to style the men of her team there was one exception. Upon his request, Al chose to get ready on his own. He said he didn't want to be seen until the night of the ball.

So this meant that Elise took her time, trying to style us in olden time suits to look like the royal advisors Alphonse asked us to be. Once night dawned upon us, we were ready. Elise managed to style my floofy hair in a way that it looked presentable. All Hunter had to do was blow dry his hair back while Andrew tried to control his slightly frizzy shower hair. As we all finished getting dressed, Elise began to clip our advisor badges on us.

Hunter was a knight so his badge was of a sword. Andrew was an advisor of the king, so his badge was of a scroll. She was given the badge of a royal maid. One which had a needle and thread going through it. At first, she wasn't happy with. But when Al explained that the royal maid got to style and chose clothing for the king and queen and that she was in charge of making the royal family look good, she was no longer mad. I looked down as Elise placed my badge on my suit jacket. It was of a shield. When Al was handing us our badges, he didn't explain what mine meant. So, I was just left to assume that I was just another knight.

When we all began to walk I noticed how good we all looked. Al told us that he knew someone who was going to help him get ready seeing as the kings suit was much more different from ours. When we arrived at the party, there were already a bunch of people there. They weren't dressed nearly as fancy as us, so we had a lot of eyes staring at us as we walked to where two thrones sat. The were on a small stage made so that it would look like a real royal ballroom. I noticed a girl was sitting in one of the two thrones with a beautiful crown that rested on her neatly arranged red locks. "Who is she?" I found myself asking. Andrew looked over in the direction I was facing and smiled at her. She surprisingly smiled back, her blue eyes filled with curiosity as we approached her.

"Hello your highness," Andrew mocks as he bows down in front of her. She giggles softly and shakes her hand.

"Please don't bow Drew. This is a party not an actual royal ball. I for one, am no queen" She says as she looks at us. We all introduce ourselves and she smiles and nods. She slowly stands up, her long red dress slowly moving with her.

"My name is Vanessa Hollow. I'm also one of Al's childhood friends" she greets and our eyes widen.

"Hey wait, aren't you my friend too?" Andrew asks and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm also friends with this dummy" she says while pointing to Andrew. He sulks and we all laugh.

"I'm sorry if this is blunt but, how can someone so beautiful even be seen with Al?" Hunter asks making Vanessa's cheeks turn slightly pink and Andrew's eyes widened.

"No one knows honestly. Al just has a gift of sweet-talking people into friendships. That's how I got here," Andrew says with a shrug and Vanessa nods slowly in agreement.

"He was a sweet kid, and he cared a lot for a kid his age. That drew me to become his friend," She confessed and Elise awed softly. We looked around the party and saw so many people who were just looking at us. I noticed that most of those people were guys who were probably looking at Vanessa. Andrew sighed and looked at the crowd in annoyed look and with that, almost half of the people who were staring looked away.

"Vanessa has so many admirers that I'm not even surprised that she was elected queen for the dance," Andrew says while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, you are very pretty. I can't imagine a guy who isn't interested in you," Elise compliments with a small smile.

"Al just happens to be one of those guys who isn't interested in me," She mumbled and we shook our head.

"Ness, Alphonse is a really dense dude," Andrew deadpanned and we all nodded our heads in agreement.

"I know. But a girl can dream," she says with a sad smile. We heard the doors open and the entire room went quiet. We all looked over and I heard collective gasps come from people including ourselves. Two upperclassmen stood on either sides of the room's door's as guards and as doormen for the evening and between them stood another figure. This one being the cause of the gasps that filled the room.

We got to see Al's smiling face as he nodded at both soldiers who stood at a stance of attention and saluted him. Al salute's back and beings walking towards us. His pace was slow but graceful and he held his head high with confidence. His look was a mix between well dressed king and, as some of the girls would describe, hot. Who am I kidding, I'd describe him as hot too.

His hair was out of its usual small ponytail and his side bang was swept neatly to the right, slightly covering his right eye. The fake crown fit perfectly on his head, not once slipping to the side or off. He had his hands in his pants pockets. He was dressed in a red vest with leather sleeves, the vest's color-matched Vanessa's red dress perfectly. A cream undershirt peaked out from the top of the vest and his wine-colored pants were matched the rest of his outfit. Lastly, he wore a dark red cape with faux fur surrounding the collar. His black boots seemed to pull the look together. The cape flowed gracefully behind him as he moved and eventually reached the throne and we all quickly dispersed to our spots. He gently grabbed Vanessa's hand and smiled.

"My queen..." He mumbled as he placed a kiss on her hand. Vanessa's cheeks began to turned red. The crowd erupted in a mix of squeals from the girls and protests from the guys.

"You're really devoting to this aren't you?" she asked and he nodded.

"As Elise said, if I'm going to be crowned king for a night, then I might as well give them a show," he said casually. I couldn't believe how smooth and calm he was. He slowly took a seat on the empty throne and smiled at the crowd of people.

"Seeing as the king has arrived, let the festivities begin," Vanessa declared loud enough for everyone to hear. Classical music began to softly play over the room's speakers and with that, people began to pair off and dance. I stood on Al's left with Andrew while Hunter and Elise stood on Vanessa's right. Both of them took their seats and couldn't help but glancing over at Elise.

One of the spotlights faintly glowed on her but it worked miracles. Her light pink dress seemed to compliment her tan skin almost perfectly and the light's glow only made her seem more flawless in my eyes. Warmth spread in my chest as I looked at her. I soon look away only to catch Al's eyes on me, the large smirk on his face tells me that he caught me staring. I immediately looked down and hoped that my face wasn't red. 

"Ask her to dance," I heard a voice say in my head. I immediately recognized it as him and I sighed. 

"Um... How about no," I mentally retort and I watch him shake his head.

"Dude, if you don't ask her now, someone will and then what will you do? Take advantage of this party. Who knows when you'll get another moment like this," he says and I look over at Elise again. She was talking to a few other people who I assume are friends of hers. She smiles and laughs and I can't help but melt at her melodic laugh. "Ew dude, I can feel you sappy emotions. I'm turning off the mind link right now before it gets worse," Al says and he turns to look at the partying students and I smile. 

I have a chance to dance with the girl of my dreams.

This was gonna be my night.

It's Time to Choose, Soldier (BxB)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora