Getting x Your x Rooms

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Gippy turned around and put her hands in her pocket. She smiled and said, "Hello new friends! Can we help you?" You bent down and told Gippy, "Gippy, those are the people that Gon and Killua fought." Gippy looked at you and stopped smiling. She rolled her eyes and said, "I'm just faking being friendly. Then when it's out turn to fight, we strike."

You chuckled and stood up. The men said, "Oh nothing, just signing up for a fight."Killua frowned and said, "Oh I get it now. Hey Gon, I think these guys wanna fight on the same day you do." Gon turned around and stared at the guys. One of the guys who had a completely white face said, "That boy is burning with energy."

The lady at the front desk said, "Mister Gon will be in room 2207, Mister Killua will be in room 2223, Lady Gippy will be in room 2204, and Lady Y/N will be in 2224. You all took your keys and started walking towards your room. You all decided to go to Gon's room first. Gon walked in his room and said, "Woah! This room is huge! I've never seen such a big bed in my life!"

Gon ran up to a nearby window and said, "Guys look! Wow! It's so pretty!" You all walked over to the window and stared out for a while. The city lights were shining below you, and you felt like you were on top of the world. Gippy pointed at a yellow light and said, "Look at how pretty that one is!" Killua nodded his head and said, "It's almost the same color as your teeth." Gippy clenched her fist and pounced at Killua. You grabbed her mid air and sat her down in a nearby chair.

Suddenly, the TV turned on. It said, "Your battle has been set for 3 P.M., March 11th!" Killua stared at the TV and said, "What? Tomorrow? That's fast." Gon clenched his fists and a white aura summoned around him. Gon said, "I don't think I can win yet, but that's okay! I just need the experience. I need to find out what I can do now that I have this power."

You all decided to call it a night and go in your rooms to fall asleep. You went in your room, turned off the light, and fell asleep. A few hours later someone was shaking you awake and whispering your name. It was Gippy. She sat near your feet and said, "Pst. Are you sleeping?" You sat up and rubbed your eyes and looked at her and said, "I was until someone woke me up. What is it?" She crawled off your bed and pulled a book out of her pajama pocket. She looked down at the book and held it in her hands. She opened her mouth and started talking. "I am only eight years old, and there is a lot that I don't know how to do, and one of those things is reading. I know I probably sound so young and childish saying this, but could you please read this to me? At least until I fall asleep." She handed you the book and it was a book called Matilda.

You smiled and made room on your bed for her to lay on. After a while of you reading to her, she quickly fell asleep. You tried to fall asleep but you just coudn't. You got out of your bed and got a glass of lemonade. You felt a little hungry and saw there was nothing in the kitchen. You washed your glass and changed into an oversized white hoodie, with black ripped jeans and black sneakers. (If you have curly hair, you left it as it is, and if you have straight hair you brushed it out.)

You left your room and walked over to Killua's door and knocked on it. Killua opened the door and said, "Oh. Hey y/n, what did you need?" You walked in his room and closed the door behind you.

You looked at Killua and said, "Well, Gippy woke me up and now I can't fall asleep. To be honest, I'm kinda hungry and there is no food in my kitchen. Do you want to go out and get some food?" Killua put his hands behind his head and said, "You mean like a date?" You smiled and said, "Do you want it to be a date?" Killua put his hands on his hips and said, "No, you idiot! I don't want it to be like a date. I would never go out with a hag like you!"

Your smile faded and you said, "So is that a yes or a no?" Killua grabbed some money from his drawer and said, "I'm only going for the food, and because you woke me up."

Killua held the door open for you and said, "First one to the elevator has to pay for the food." Before he started running, you grabbed his hood and said, "That's not fair! Your family made you workout and train. Your dad probably had you running laps around the whole Zoldyck estate at two years old!" Killua rolled his eyes and said, "Three years old actually, but I guess you have a fair point."

You guys made it to the bottom of the Heavens Arena and walked outside. Killua told you some food options, and you decided to go to the pancake place. When you guys got there, it was 2AM. Killua ordered an orange soda and plain pancakes, meanwhile you ordered a Lemonade and chocolate chip pancakes with sparkles and whipped cream. While eating you mentioned the kiss you guys had on the blimp during the Hunter exam.

Killua chugged his pancakes down with some soda and said, "That? That was nothing. I only did it because you dared me to. Nothing more, nothing less. I take my dares very seriously." You looked at him then felt like messing around with him. You put a bit of whipped cream on your spoon and flicked it at him. Killua looked at the whipped cream on his nose and smiled. He stood up in his seat and threw one of his pancakes at you. The pancake hit your face, and you decided to go to war with him.

You stood up on top of your seat and threw blueberry syrup at him. It splashed in his face and employees came running out from the back. Killua grabbed a handful of butter and threw some at your face, some getting in your hair. You guys got kicked out and banned. You guys sat outside of the pancake place, laughing and talking about the pancake war.

You stood up and said, "Hey Killua, we should go back to the Heavens Arena." While you were walking away, Killua grabbed your hand and said, "Wanna get in some trouble?"

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