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You smiled at her. She was very pretty. Alluka smiled and yelled, "Brother!" Killua grinned at her and said, "Alluka." Alluka stood up and ran to Killua and gave him a big hug. Alluka looked at you and asked, "Who are you?" You smiled at her and said, "My name is Y/N. I'm a good friend of your brother."

Alluka looked at Gippy and asked, "What's your name?" Gippy said, "My name is Gippy. I just go wherever Y/N goes." Killua rested his head on Alluka's shoulder and said, "Sorry about leaving you down here for so long."

Alluka smiled and said, "It's okay! I'm really happy! I've missed your scent." You laughed and said, "I know right! He smells like blue jolly ranchers." Alluka let go of Killua and you all sat on the floor. Alluka put up a finger gun and said, "Brother, die." Gippy looked at Alluka and asked, "Fucking pardon?"

Killua grinned and said, "Okay, sure." Alluka pretended to shoot and said, "Bang!" Killua fell on the floor, headless. Alluka laughed and said, "Brother, wake up!" Killua sat up and poked his head out of his shirt and said, "Boo!"

Alluka started clapping and said, "You're so good! Brother, let's play shiritori." Killua nodded and said, "Yeah, sure." You looked at Killua and asked, "What's shiritori?" Killua looked at you and said, "It's a game where the players are required to say a word which begins with the final kana of the previous word. A kana is a single character belonging to the kana system. The kana system includes A, I, U, E, O, Ka, I, U, E, O, Sa, Shi, Su, Se, So, Ta, Chi, Tsu, Te, To, Na, Ni, Nu, Ne, No, Ha, Hi, Fu, He, Ho, Ma, Mi, Mu, Me, Mo, Ya, Yu, Yo, Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro, Wa, and O.

You were very confused, but you got it. Alluka raised a finger and said, "I'll start with the ending "A" in Alluka!" Killua thought to himself for a while and then said, "I choose Koala." They looked at you and you said, "I pick Killua!" Gippy cracked her neck and then said, "Ebola."

Alluka laughed and said, "Good one, Gippy! I choose Polka for Polka Dots!" Killua put his hands in his pockets and said, "Well, then I choose ninja." You hesitated but then said, "Pasta." Gippy chuckled and said, "Koala." Alluka shook her head and said, "No repeating words! Gippy lost!"

Gippy shrugged her shoulders and said, "This is rigged anyways." Alluka looked at Killua and said, "Brother, pat my head!" She jumped into his arms and Killua said, "Sure." He pat her head as she laid in his arms. You looked up at Killua and put up three fingers. Killua looked at you and nodded.

Killua stood up and carried Alluka in his arms the way he held you at the Hunter Exam. Killua walked up the the door and you and Gippy followed him. Killua looked up at the camera and said, "Father, open the door." Over the speaker, Silva's voice said, "No. make the wish in that room. We cannot let you go outside." You looked up at the camera and Killua said, "Father, I am definitely your son. You said Alluka was something that came from somewhere else. Right? I call the black-eyed Alluka something. We're all leaving. I'll clean up my own mess."

Killua looked at Alluka and said, "Something, if we haven't left the mountain in half an hour, kill my mother!" Over the speaker Milluki pitched in and said, "Huh? Hey Killua!" Killua continued, "If we've left the mountain in half an hour, I want you to kiss me on the cheek." Nanika turned her head around and said, "Kay."

Killua looked back at the camera and said, "Father, open the door." Suddenly, the door opened and you all left the mansion. At the gate, Canary and Gotoh walked up to you guys and Killua said, "This is how it has to be. This way, I won't have to ask permission for every little thing. Not only that, but you can take care of all our travel arrangements." Gotoh looked at Killua and asked, "That's all well and good, but may I ask what Canary's doing here?"

You looked at Gotoh and yelled, "Alluka's a girl!" Killua continued your sentence and asked, "Do you really think a stupid guy like you could take care of all her needs?"

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