Leaving x Trick x Tower

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When you woke up, you were under a blanket sleeping on the couch. "I know I fell asleep on Killua's shoulder, so what happened?" You thought as you sat up. You looked to the side of you and saw Kurapika reading a book. You yawned and Kurapika looked at you and smiled. "Good morning y/n. You fell asleep on Killua so I put you on the couch and tucked you in." You rubbed your eyes and said, "Thank you Kurapika. Good morning."

You looked all around and saw Leorio watching the clock, Gippy and Gon were playing the elevator game, Killua was playing with his skateboard, and Kurapika was reading. You got up and walked towards Leorio and asked him how much longer you would be in here. He told you there were 1 more hour left. You nodded and walked away. You walked towards Kurapika and asked him what he was reading. He told you it was a book about the Phantom Troupe. Gon ran up to you and Kurapika and said, "Oh Kurapika! Y/N can see people's past, just by looking at them! Right Y/N?" You nodded and looked at Kurapika. "Kurapika, you're here to get revenge on the Phantom Troupe because they stole your clan's eyes when you were 13."

Kurapika gasped and looked away and turned his head down. Killua walked up to you with his hands in his pockets. "You idiot. You can't just talk about that." You looked at Kurapika and realized you messed up. You apologized multiple times and you felt really bad. Kurapika forgave you and just said it was a simple mistake.

You crawled under the blanket and waited for the hour to be over with already. About 40 minutes passed and Gippy was shaking you and telling you to wake up. There was only 5 minutes left and everyone was surrounding the door. You stood up and stretched and got ready to leave. Gippy grabbed your arm and told you to do 20 push-ups before you all left. Another fighting stage came up soon and ducking down wouldn't save you this time.

You did 20 pushups and the door opened up just in time. You all ran out and went through multiple obstacles, such as boulders and disappearing stairs to get to the next voting section. You walked up to 2 doors that marked X and O. You had to choose between the long and difficult path that fits everyone, or the fast and easy path that only fits 3 people. You had to press O for the long and difficult path, and X for the short and easy path.

There were weapons all around the room. While everyone was talking about who was going to advance, you looked over and saw Gippy stealing ammo from all of the guns. Gon had a plan. The walls for both of the doors were connected, so you all chose the long path and mined through the wall. It was quite a workout for you, but at least it would help you with your muscles and strength.

By the time everyone went down the slide on the fast and easy path, the third phase of the Hunter exam was over. Lippo led you all outside and explained how you had to draw cards with numbers out of a box. There were 25 cards, one for each of your numbers. When you went up, you pulled Gippy's number and Gippy pulled yours. You guys looked at each other and laughed.

When you all got on the boat to go to the island where the next stage was held, Killua, Gippy, Gon, and you all sat next to each other. You and Gippy just swapped badges so you didn't have to fight. When you and Gippy got on the island, you guys just talked.

You looked at her and asked how she's so good at fighting and why she is. Gippy sat against a tree and looked up and told you everything.

"I already told you a lot, but I guessed I missed out on some parts. I came from Happy Friends Adoption Center, and ran away after killing everyone, including the kids. I guess I got mad that nobody was able to adopt me anymore since I turned eight years old, and I went on a little bit of a killing spree. A month before I ran away, I stole a gun from the security room and a little bit of ammunition so I could practice my reloading. I also worked out everyday and pushed myself way too much. I eventually learned how to fight, knock people out, and reload a gun. When the day came, I knocked out the security officers, and killed them and all of the staff. I had to lie to all of the kids and I told them to get in a room because there was someone dangerous in the center, little did they know, I was the dangerous one. When I got them all in a room, I killed all of them. Every single one of them. I showered, changed, and left. I stole one of the staff's credit card, and bought a ticket to a flight on the other side of the world, and left. I ran to the airport, had to somehow hide my gun from the security scan, and got on the plane. That's when I saw you holding a map, and that's how I met you. You already know the rest."

You rested your head on a nearby tree and giggled. "That's pretty extreme for a 8 year old, but it explains a lot." You said and turned your head towards Gippy. When you looked at her, she was sleeping on a tree and was lightly snoring. You turned your head upward and stared at the stars until you slowly fell asleep.

My Little Prince (Reader x Killua fan fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat