Gon x Versus x Y/N

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On the way, you and Killua ran into Ikalgo. Ikalgo saw Palm and explained to him everything that happened. Apparently, she wanted to stay and see Gon. You sat down next to Killua on a rock and looked over to Gippy's body. Her stomach was tore open by claw marks, and there was blood all over her dress. There were traces of gunpowder on her fingertips, so you assumed she fought for her life.

You all stood up and looked around for Knuckle and the others. You four ended up finding Knuckle and Meleoron. You all decided to keep on fighting them. You, Killua, and Knuckle walked into the room where Pitou and Gon last were. Gon and Pitou were just about to leave to go heal Kite. You walked up to Gon and he said, "Y/N, move."

You put your hands in your jean pockets and said, "Wait a second, Gon. I have to ask you something. After she's done healing Kite, can you let her come back and heal Gippy? Then you can kill her skinny little ass later." Gon stared at you and said, "You can do whatever you want with her when she's done healing Kite. Now move."

You moved out of his way and you all watched as Gon and Pitou left to go heal Kite. You guys held Komugi as a hostage in case Pitou didn't come back to heal Gippy. You laid Gippy down on a pillow you found and covered her up with a sweater you put in her backpack.

You sat down next to her body and grabbed her hand. Killua walked up to you and sat down next to you. He put his hand on your shoulder and asked, "Hey, you alright?" You nodded and smiled at him. You weren't really happy. Your best friend was gone, hopefully temporarily. Killua took a deep breath and said, "It's okay y'know? To not be okay?" You started tearing up and then started crying into your knees. Killua looked away from you but continued to sit next to you.

A teardrop fell to the floor and you said, "I really, really hope she'll be fine." Killua nodded and said, "Yeah me too." You dug your knees into your eyes. Killua secretly rubbed your shoulder, but did it quickly so no one else would see.

You were about to fall asleep, but then you heard a bunch of ruckus. You stood up and Palm used her globe to see Pouf and she said, "It's the king. They're headed towards the palace!" You internally panicked and realized Chairman Netero lost his fight.

Killua grabbed you by the wrist and said, "Come on, Y/N. We have to go." He picked Komugi up and carried her on his back. You followed Killua and he took you to the side of the palace. He whispered to you, "Y/N, I'm gonna use speed of lighting so try your hardest to keep up."

You nodded and continued to wait for the signal. You looked up and saw a bunch of tiny Poufs flying in the air looking for Komugi. You whispered to Killua, "They're looking for her." Killua gasped and looked back at Komugi.

You and Killua met up with Palm, Meleoron, Knuckle, and Ikalgo. You all talked about how they're going after Meleoron because to them, he's a traitor.

You all split up again, and you and Killua went on top of a wall surrounding the King's Palace. While standing up there, you saw a bunch of Pouf segments and they made direct eye contact with the two of you. Pouf flew up and tried to attack you two. Killua went into Godspeed, and using your fire you made a laser beam made out of fire. Laser beams were as fast as light, so then you would be the same speed as Killua.

Pouf chased after you two and you got on top of your laser beam and Killua ran. Komugi for some reason started to freak out and said, "Put me down! Put me down right now!" You thought to yourself, "Why is she complaining?"

Of course, she started to slow down Killua with her struggling until Killua accidentally knocked her out. Killua put down Komugi and made a circle around him and her. You put your laser to a halt and made it disappear by using return. Pouf tried to attack Killua, but then he took off his eye.

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