Octopus x Or x Squid

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You guys arrived to the NGL and met up with Morrow, Knuckle, Knov, and Shoot. They led you four to a room where a floating cage was. Apparently, Kite was inside of the cage though he was different.

The cage fell to the ground, and a small creature crawled out of it. It was Kite. He grew taller, and he was shirtless with multiple marks all over his body. He was... scary. Knuckle then explained that he attacks anything that gets close to him.

Gon walked up to him and said, "Kite... you're safe. Everything is going to be okay now." Of course, Gon was immediately punched in the face. Blood dripped down the side of his head and Gon continued to try over and over again. At one point, Gon even tried hugging him and Kite even surprisingly calmed down, is what you thought.

As soon as Gon let go of him, a large clown looking thing apparently above Kite. He had strings attached from Kite's limbs, to the clown's fingers kind of like a puppet. You trembled and asked, "What... what is that?"

Knuckle explained that it appears whenever someone touches Kite. When you guys told Gon what you saw, he backed down and left. As soon as Gon left the room Knuckle looked at you, Killua, and Gippy and asked, "What happened to you guys? You've changed in such a short amount of time."

You crossed your arms and said, "We didn't change anything about ourselves." Killua finished your answer, "They're the ones who changed us."


Gippy threw down her card pile and yelled, "Blackjack!" You looked up at her and said, "We're playing Go Fish."

You flipped your cards around, as to you had four aces and said, "I win!" Gippy raised an eyebrow and asked, "How? You didn't even call Uno."

You looked over to Killua and saw him staring out of the train window. You smiled at him and asked, "So, you excited?" Killua looked at you and said, "Yeah, I think so. I'm honestly just suprised." You turned your head and asked, "Huh? How so?"

Killua put his head on his hand and said, "I'm just surprised that we can pitch along with them after the whole fight that we lost versus Knuckle and Shoot." You chuckled and said, "I see what you mean, but I guess we're just so good that they can't turn us down even if we lost or not." Killua smiled at you and then continued to stare out the train window.

A while later, the clock struck twelve AM, meaning Gon could use Nen again. You all split up into groups of three to face the royal guard. You, Gon, and Killua were assigned to face Pitou. Gippy, Knuckle, and Shoot were told to face Youpi. Knov and Morrow figured they were strong enough to to fight Pouf without a third person. Lastly, Netero was left to fight Mereum.

Before you and Gippy split ways, you made sure to put a water bottle, a ham sandwich, and many fruits and vegetables inside of her backpack. With that, you sent her off with a hug. You all separated ways so you were left off with Gon and Killua.

You three decided to take out whoever was being controlled, cause a panic, and spread the word. You guys had to keep a low profile, so you all agreed on having Gon stay hidden and you and Killua stir things up.

You and Killua split up from Gon, killed many puppets, it was surprisingly easy. You guys snuck into the village unnoticed and an announcement was made practically everywhere talking about the Chimera Ants. You and Killua looked at each other and smiled.

You two left the village and while running, you two noticed an ant resembling an owl following you two. You guys hid in a jungle to try to lure it out, but instead an ant army attacked you gu yes.

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