Tamaki finally let go of the young Fujioka sister and turned to where Haruhi's changing curtain was. "Aren't you done changing yet?"

The curtain was pulled to the side by the person behind the pale yellow drape, exposing Haruhi's pleasant change of display, appearing to be better-looking than when she was wearing the baggy clothes with her oversized glasses and disheveled brown hair. She was revealed in the boys' high school uniform, her hair being combed and tamed. Her brown eyes that were identical to Y/n's was now more defined and easy to see due to her wearing contact lenses.

"You sure it's really okay for me to keep this uniform?" Haruhi asked.

"Cute! You're as pretty as a girl! Adorable!" Tamaki cried admirably, cupping his cheeks using his hands.

"Haru-Chan, you look so cute! Just like Y/n-Chan!" Honey magnified sweetly.

Just then, Haruhi's gaze landed on Y/n and her eyes slightly widened.

Y/n was mirroring Haruhi's expression. "Haruhi?"

"Y/n? Wow, they gave you a makeover too, huh?"

"Ha, yeah..." Y/n replied, showing a small smile as she approached her older sister.

"You look nice." Haruhi smiled warmly and placed a hand on her sisters head, softly ruffling her hair to not mess it up.

"Thanks, so do you."

"If we had known that's how you really look-" Hikaru induced.

"-we would've helped you out sooner." Kaoru finished.

"Who knows? Maybe he'll draw in some customers along with his sister." Kyoya knowingly mentioned.

"You know, that's just what I was thinking!" Tamaki pointed out. "Our errand boy and girl are moving up the ranks. Starting today, you both are an official member of the Host Club. I will personally train you to be a first-rate host. If you can get one-hundred customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your eight million yen debt."

"Deal." Y/n quickly agreed.

"A host?" Haruhi questioned at the same time as Y/n spoke, eyeing Tamaki's pointed finger with an unsure expression.

- - - -

"So tell me, Fujioka, why did you join the Host Club?"

Y/n glanced at one out-of-the two boys that were seated across from her at a small, circular table.

"Well, I, uhh...thought it would be...nice?" Y/n replied, more of a question than a statement. "Now that I'm here, I can host you guys." She said, experimenting the power of being dainty and outgoing and showed a closed eyed smile.

The boys blushed at the action. "Wow..."

"S-So I heard you have a brother. Is that true?" The other boy asked, staring at Y/n with a cherished smile.

"Oh, yes. He's actually a part of this club. Haruhi is over there hosting some female guests." Y/n reciprocated, pointing in the direction of where her sister was. She made sure to say 'he' or 'him' when mentioning Haruhi to other people. She honestly still found the fact that nobody knew that Haruhi was actually a girl and not a boy. It's not her situation to clear up and tell other people the truth though, so all she can do is wait until the truth is revealed by the person themself--Haruhi--or when somebody else finds out.

"Do you have any hobbies?"

"Hmm..." Y/n gradually hummed as she thought about the question. "Well, I study with Haruhi most of the time. I also help him cook and do most of the chores in the house with him."

y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka's sister||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ