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This was how the past few days went for Adora:
6:00 - She'd wake up in the Fright Zone beside Catra.
6:10 - She'd be heading back to Brightmoon.
7:00 - She'd arrive, only to have Angella attempt to converse with her (but for obvious reasons it was really awkward).
7:05 - Alone.
10:00 - Glimmer would come into her room to check on her.
10:02 - Glimmer would leave.
10:03 - Alone.
19:00 - Go to decided meeting place in the Whispering Woods.
19:30 - Arrive in the Fright Zone.
20:00 - Scorpia comes by.
21:00 - Fall asleep in Catra's embrace.

Then it would start again. The hours she was alone were a blur, as there was only one person on her mind. Despite being falsely accused for assault, she was starting to feel better... No... Catra was making her feel better. As wrong as it felt to think, returning to that horrible place was one of her best decisions ever...

As she was nuzzled up close to Catra's chest, a distant but familiar voice filled her ears.

"Catra, get up! You're late!"

Adora's eyes fluttered open to suddenly have Catra's warmth taken from her.

The feline sat up, using the blanket to hide Adora's attendance. "The hell do you want, Lonnie?" Catra asked with a groan.

"I was told to get you because it's seven!" Lonnie replied. Her arms were crossed in an attempt to be as intimidating as possible. Her hazel eyes slowly drifted to a person shape underneath Catra's covers, "There someone in here with you?"

Sneering, Catra answered with, "I was gonna say it was Scorpia to get rid of you, but I almost forgot. You had her last night."

Lonnie felt her face heat up in embarrassment as Adora stifled a laugh. Quickly the Horde soldier pulled the covers back, her eyes widening. "Adora?! What the hell, Catra?! I'm reporting this!"

Catra was quick to get to her feet and grab Lonnie tightly by the shoulders. "Report this and EVERYONE will find out about you and Scorpia."

Muttering something under her breath, Lonnie pulled away. "Fine. But I don't want to see her again."

When the girls were alone, they began laughing hysterically. Adora wiped away her tears and calmed down.

Catra looked down. "You can't leave."

"What do you mean?"

"You know how busy it is all day here! You literally won't be able to leave! And I have no idea where to put you!"

Adora put a hand on her shoulder. " Catra, I grew up here too."

Still skeptical, Catra nodded, "Whatever. Just don't get your ass caught."

Taking a moment to hesitate, Angella knocked on Glimmer's door. "Glimmah? Are you in there?'

"Hey, Mom." Glimmer replied after answering. She was melancholic; lonely without Bow and unsure of Adora.

"Are you alright?" Asked Angella, "With everything that's been happening..."

"I'm fine, Mom. Just... I don't know what to think about her anymore."

"Come walk with me."

Running out of options, Catra decided to leave Adora with Scorpia. "Don't tell ANYONE she's here!" Catra warned as she headed out.

The moment Scorpia was alone with Adora, she narrowed her eyes. "What are you planning?" She quizzed.

"Nothing." Adora replied, "Catra's just helping me out with something."

"Then what? Are you gonna abandon her?! Break her heart?! Leave her with crippling doubt and sadness?! Will you attack her?!"

"What? No."

"Are you gonna rape her?! Please! Please don't! Because thats one of the worst things you can do to someone!"

Adora looked down. "I know... Believe me... I know."

"It's like getting a huge part of you snatched away! And no one cares!"

Adora understood. "Yeah... Exactly."

Scorpia took notice, "You know how it feels?"

"Yeah. I.. Do..." It felt good to finally admit it. She was taken aback at being scooped up into a hug.

As Glimmer and Angella walked side by side, they talked.

"Glimmah." Angella said, "Please tell me how you feel about this situation."

"I don't know!" Glimmer shouted, "I don't really think Adora did anything wrong, but I don't think Mermista did either!"

Angella nodded, understanding. "I know how you feel, Glimmah, but you need to understand you're going to have to make a decision."

Glimmer took a moment to think, "I'll talk to Adora when she cones back."

"-and after that, he tried to do it again." Scorpia explained, "And I was freaking out! It was wild. So I stung him... Really hard... I think it killed him... But that was the first time I'd ever stung anyone before..." She looked down at her pincers for a moment, "But everything turned out okay. It didn't happen again." She smiled, "Whp don't you tell me what happened?"

Adora took a deep breath, "Okay. It started out with her flirting with me, then she invited me, she got really drunk, then... Raped me..." Just talking about it made her feel sick to her stomach, but she explained everything... Everytime it happened... The pregnancy reveal.... Everything...

Suddenly she felt Scorpia put an arm around her. "I have a grand idea! Why don't you start a support group or something?! I mean I would, but you know... Being a force captain and all. But you could totally do it! And maybe I'll start one here in the Fright Zone!"

Standing outside the door, Lonnie heard everything. She felt envious of how much confidence Scorpia had talking about what had happened. She disappeared around the corner.

The orange sunset stretched over the trees. The air was humid, and perfect temperature. In the slow evening, Catra walked with Adora out of the Fright Zone.

"You coming tomorrow?" Catra asked, though she already knew the answer.

Adora shook her head. She couldn't, as Bow would be returning, "I'm sorry, Catra. But-"

"Whatever." Catra walked away with her claws digging into her palms. She felt no remorse leaving Adora alone in the middle of the Fright Zone.

The rest of the escape was difficult, but she made it out. Walking toward Brightmoon, she suddenly stopped as Glimmer appeared in front of her.

"Adora?" She said, "We need to talk."

Hurt and Longing (She-ra NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now