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Everything had been going alright. The news of Mermista's actions and the breaking of the alliance spread like wildfire across Etheria. There wasn't a single soul who hadn't heard the news. While the first war meeting without Mermista was extremely awkward, it actually turned out working okay. Adora was able to transform again, and meditated with Perfuma (which surprisingly was working well).

Mermista hadn't been seen since Adora had left the hotel room. But Seahawk... Adora still remembered the pain in his eyes. She hadn't seen or heard from him since either.

Even though everything was going alright for Adora, something-or rather someone-still remained on her mind: Catra. She still remember the painful sound of despair in her voice; the amount of hurt in her eyes when they last parted. She had so much she wanted to tell her, and left the moment the sky waa lovely shade of pink.

"THERE SHE GOES AGAIN!" Glimmer exclaimed as she gazed out her window.

Bow looked up at her, "What's going on?"

"It's Adora! She's going somewhere! She'd been leaving almost everyday at this time until Mermista broke her arm!" She gasped upon a sudden realization, "You don't think Mermista's still forcing her to do it with her, do you?!"

"I don't think Adora would let her do anything else. Not after all this."

"But when I talked to her before, she told me Mermista was blackmailing her and threatened to kill her!"

Bow stood up. "Wanna go see then?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

Adora took a deep breath as she use her left hand to guide her way through the woods. She'd been having such a difficult time adjusting to becoming a left-handed She-ra. It would figure that She-ra had a cast and sling as well. Even the thought frustrated her along with so many. She wondered... what if she hadn't agreed to meet Mermista? Then what? Would she have kept asking until someone else agreed? Who would've been raped instead of her? The thought of one of her friends going through all of that suffering was unbearable.

Soon she arrived to her and Catra's designated meeting spot, and her lips curved into a smile upon seeing a figure. Her heart exploded in her chest as she neared the magicat. "Hey, Catra."

Catra's ear flicked, and her eyes of heterochromia averted to catch a glimpse of the blonde girl standing behind her. She turned around completely, and they were face to face. "A-adora?" She looked at her condition, "What the hell happened to you?!"

Adora took a deep breath, "It's a long story, but she's never hurting me again."

Catra's feelings were conflicted, "Whatever. Let's go I guess. Scorpia does wanna talk to you about some club she made or something. I didn't catch the details."

Together, the two began their walk to the Fright Zone side by side.


Catra turned around only to get hit in the face with a blast of glitter. She fell backwards, hitting the ground hard. "Sparkles?! What the hell?!" She rose to her feet and tackled Glimmer to the ground.

Bow was quick to run over to Adora's side. "Adora! What happened?! Are you hurt?! Did she do anything?! How long has she been hurting you for?! We're sorry we didn't catch on sooner! We're bad friends!" He hugged her tightly.

"Bow, everything's fine! I promise!" Adora tried to assure him. She then bit her cheek upon seeing Glimmer and Catra wrestling eachother on the ground, "Can everyone please just CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" She then mentally scolded herself for cussing. Now that everyone was quiet, Adora took a deep breath.

"Seriously, Adora?! Good job bringing these assholes here!" Catra exclaimed as she stood up while rubbing her swollen cheek.

"I didn't INVITE them!" Adora argued back.

"Oh, so they followed you! What good friends they turned out to be! Did you not tell me they sided with that damn princess when she lied after raping you?!"

"It's really not that big of a deal."

"Like hell it's not!" Catra grabbed Adora by the collar, "Come on. Let's get you far away from them. Clearly, princesses can't be trusted to help you."

"You're not taking Adora anywhere!" Glimmer argued and wrapped her arms around Adora.

"She's coming with me! Back to the Fright Zone where she belongs! I don't care what she does! As long as she's not ALONE with a princess! Because all that will happen is she'll get raped."

"The only one that's been raping her was Mermista! I can guarantee you she's been fine! Because unlike you, we actually care about her!"

"Is that so?! Then why didn't you believe her when she told you she was the victim?! Clearly she means nothing to you! She probably only matters to you because she's She-ra!"

The arguing faded into the background. Adora shut her eyes, her face heating up. She felt tears streaming down her cheeks. The noise all around her became too much. She threw herself forward, breaking free of Catra and Glimmer's grasp, "Just leave me alone! Everyone!" And suddenly it was quiet.

"Adora-" Bow reached out to her.

Adora burst into a sprint. She felt her chest getting extremely tight. Her face became overwhelmingly hot, and she couldn't breathe. She fell to the ground and clutched her chest. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't breathe. Then everything went black.

Hurt and Longing (She-ra NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now