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The walk back through the woods was awkward. After awakening in the Fright Zone by Catra's side, she found it hard to part. The painful throbbing of Mermista's evil touches was gone; now being replaced with the soft tingles from Catra that carressed her whole body in an unimaginable warmth.

Not once that night did Catra touch Adora in any sexual way, and Adora was greatful. Yet there was something that still twinged at her heart: the amount of hurt in Catra's voice when she was leaving. She clutched her chest and looked up at the kingdom of Brightmoon that she was approaching.

"Adora!" Bow, exclaimed as he ran over, "Where did you go?! What happened?! Were you attacked?!"

"Don't worry, I'm alright." Adora said, "I just needed to be alone." But she wasn't alright. From the moment she left Catra's grasp, she felt empty... Incomplete... It was like a big part of her was taken away.

As the two walked up to her room, Adora felt as though she was being watched. She felt daggers being stared right through her stomach.

"Hey, Glimmer! I found Adora!" Bow said to the princess they passed.

Glimmer replied by simply scoffing. "So?"

Adora nails dug into her palms; her eyes to her boots. She felt as though she wanted to throw up.

The first moment she got alone, she stretched her arms up; her lower back being slightly revealed. Taking off her shirt, she looked back at the mirror behind her to see the clawmarks from all of the battles in the past.

'She hurt you...' Adora reminded herself, 'So why do you feel this way?'

Running her hands through her hair, Glimmer grunted. "I can't BELIEVE Adora!"

While tidying up, Bow replied, "But I don't think it's her fault."

"What? So it's Mermista's?!"

"No! I just think there may be more to the story that what we know."

"Like WHAT?!"

"I don't know... But it can't be as simple as Adora forcing herself onto Mermista."

"It doesn't matter! It's still rape!"

"But we don't know that!"

Glimmer buried her face into her pilow and screamed.

Bow took a deep breath. "I'm gonna be leaving tomorrow."

"That's tomorrow?" Glimmer asked, disappointed.

"Yeah, but don't worry, it'll just be for a week."

"What are you gonna be doing?"

"Just helping my dads out with something, and seeing one of my brothers."

Glimmer looked down, but then Bow spoke once more, "Glimmer, while I'm gone, please try talking to Adora."

"I don't know..." Glimmer replied, "I don't know if I can trust her anymore."

"But we still don't know for sure if it was her fault. So please try."

"Fine." Glimmer rolled her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face.

The evening drew near. Adora remained alone, aside from Bow checking up on her twice. The starless sky was orange, and the feeling in Adora's chest wouldn't leave. So she stood up and headed toward the Whispering Woods.

Walking through, she silently pleaded to herself for Catra to be there. Then she stopped and her lips curved into a smile at the figure standing before her. And she spoke two words.

"Hey, Catra."

Hurt and Longing (She-ra NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now