Tyler drove to the hospital by his car . We entered the hospital and like every year it was flourishing. Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. The shinny Christmas lights was decorating the hospital and a huge Christmas tree was in the center, Christmas reminds me of family, the laughter and the gifts we give to each other. The hospital on Christmas became the center of my joy and I couldn't be more happier.

"Looking good bella " Dorothy remarks.

"Thank you Dorothy " I blush.

" tyler nice sweater , where did you get it from ?" Dorothy compliments.

"Thanks it's Bella's gift" tyler replies proudly .

"Merry Christmas to both of you " Dorothy says warmly.

"And merry Christmas to you, here's the cookies that you wait for each year " I smile and give her the cookies I spent last night cooking.

I made plenty of cookies yesterday for the people here in the hospital. There were many shapes of cookies snowman , stars , hearts , and snowflakes .
"Bella you don't know how my kids love your cookies they personally asked me to get the snowman cookies this year " Dorothy explains.

"It's my pleasure really Dorothy "

"You should have seen her Dorothy yesterday , BATCH NUMBER 5 is bad no one dares to eat from it!" Tyler says mimicking my crazy behavior from yesterday.
I nudged him and he chuckles.

We went afterwards to sit with Jason and Jeremy in Jason's office .
We were all sitting around Jason's desk and he was sitting in front of the desk.

"I'm not joking , Christmas horror movies are the best to watch on a winter night like today" Jeremy says as he takes a bite from my cookie.

"You should watch it with bella she loves horror stuff" Jason implies as he finishes his cookie.

"Nah that's not my perfect way to spend a winter night " I laugh .

"My perfect way to spend a winter night is to sleep in the warm covers of my bed with only the Christmas lights lightning up the room " tyler says comfortably and closes his eyes.
Jason and I laugh and look at Tyler as he shifts to his own world.

"My idea of a perfect way to spend a winter night is to watch people sing deck the halls in the streets " Jason states.

"Wow that's really nice Jason " I reply.

"What's yours bells?" Tyler asks.

I would have normally said it can be lots of things whether wearing comfy socks or drinking a cup of hot chocolate or watching a Christmas movie.  But I find myself thinking about him .. he was the perfect way and the best kind of warmth on a winter night.
"Uhm nothing in particular I just love to decorate the Christmas decorations " I reply with a smile.

"Alright you guys I should go now " Tyler announces.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I have a date tonight " he smiles.

"Get 'em tyler " Jeremy cheers.

"Who's the lucky lady?" Jason asks.

"Her name is Wendy i met her at a party i went to last week" tyler explains.

"I'm happy for you tyler , you should introduce her to us next Time " I declare.

"Now go Peter Pan and find your Wendy " Jeremy smiles.

"I knew you'd do this " tyler says as he rolls his eyes.

"Don't mind him Ty go to your date " I laugh.

Tyler said his goodbyes and closed the door after him.
"We've got dates too you know?" Jason says standing up.

"What you guys too! With who?" I say confused.

"With our patients .. isn't it the best ?" Jeremy states sarcastically.

"Fine okay I'll come by tomorrow , so you can tell me all about your hot dates " I chuckle.

"Okay and bring more cookies " Jason requests .

I shake my head and headed to the first floor .
I thought about visiting art's mom but when I asked about her she's now discharged and under supervision every 3 months.
I'm happy for her and for Art , that she's with them now.

I let my feet wander until I reached aunt Kim's restaurant.
It's another decision that I decided to make . I wanted to go there and give myself one last chance to see him , and at the same time to see Lee and aunt Kim.
I entered the restaurant and it was a little crowded, the same vibe was still there .. the warmth and authenticity.

There was a Christmas tree in front of the counter, I take a look at it and it was decorated messily but a good kind of mess . I guess Lee decorated it.
I searched for aunt Kim but she wasn't here , I walked to the kitchen at the back to look for her.

"Bella! " aunt Kim exclaims as she leaves the flour from her hands and hugs me.

"I hope I'm not intruding " I smile and hug her back.

"No you're not dear , how are you? " she speaks knowingly.

"I've been terrible the past few days but today I feel a little better " I smile.

"I'm sure he will come by. I know things now are complicated with him but I know that he won't let you go that easily and besides Suzy now is home , she will make things better " aunt Kim says warmly .

"I hope he reaches me before I leave to Italy " I cry.

"You're leaving?" She asks taken aback.

"Yeah for the holidays " i state . As aunt kim sighs and strokes my hair.

"Oh look I've got you some cookies I baked " I chuckle.

"Bella thank you , oh they're so nice " aunt Kim gushes as she checks the snowflake cookies.

"Can you please give Lee some? " I ask hopefully.

"Yes of course bella " she smiles .

"I have to go now but I'll visit you again soon" I say and hug her goodbye.

"I'll be waiting for your visit bella " she insists .

I left the restaurant with a heavy heart , I wanted to see Lee and art one last time because I'm leaving tomorrow night , But I guess it's not meant to be .
Before I left the place I went to the back of the building to art's book of facts .
I grabbed a chalk from the ground and wrote a new fact verified by me which I now believe in.

The word someday does exist.

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