Chapter 20

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Can love ever ruin a relationship  ?
When it's the main thing that is needed to build one?
Realizing that it can ruin something important to me , makes it scary.. So dear love, I've always known the sweet and soft side of you , but is there a side were you can be wretched and dark?

Tyler was holding my hand , while leaning in , he was so close that I needed to do something before it was too late .
At this moment the door opened revealing art , he was standing still , his hand didn't leave the door knob.

"Art" I say breathlessly as I stand up , my chest was tightening .

Tyler stands up beside me and holds my hand.
"Get out of my room" he slurs.

"When you let go of her hand " Art says , his eyes never leaving mine.
I let go of Tyler and approach art , but Tyler grabs my arm from moving forward.

"Bella ,he's not good for you and I don't want you to realize after it's too late " he begs .

"Tyler , Why do you keep saying that ? Please just stop" I say and hold my chest with my hand and breath in .

"Okay fine , remember that fight with jake?"
Tyler says letting me go.

"Yes" I say fearful.

"That douche made out with his girlfriend , he walked in , as they were doing it behind the bleachers "Tyler shouts.

"What are you talking about? ..Art? " I say facing him , waiting for him to answer.

"I-I don't remember , yes I fought with him but I can't remember why." he says uneasy.

"But I swear i would never do something like that , bella " Art pleads.

I stood quietly not knowing what to do , I know who art is ,what kind of person he is , but again why would jake lie about something like that ?
he even broke up with his girlfriend after his fight with art, and what's worse Tyler never lies to me , he's always honest even if the truth hurts.

"Bella?" Art says looking for my eyes .

"It's fine art , it's okay " I say troubled.

"What do you mean it's okay ? " Tyler rejects.

" let's go downstairs " Art declares and reaches for me but I back away.

He notices and backs away his hand .
"I just need to think , I'm sorry but you always say that you forget, and ...I-I need to sort things out first with Tyler and with myself.. I'll call you" I say unwillingly .

"Fine " he says after a long stare that was aching my heart .

He goes out of the room and slams the door behind him.
As soon as he left , I fell down to my knees since my legs were already giving away.

"Bella are you okay?" Tyler says worried as he pulls me up.

"I'm sorry but I need to go home " I say with my voice breaking.

"But .." he says and sits on the bed.

"We will continue this tomorrow okay? Just get some rest" I say and head out.

I leave the party ignoring the loud cheers and the people I was passing by. Everything was all distant and like a blur, i drive my car as fast as I could to reach home. I was overwhelmed .. I must admit Tyler and his feelings were a surprise for me , and to be honest I can't figure out how to handle it, it terrified me because my heart fell at my feet, I'm scared to lose him ..I didn't know what to do ,along with what happened today the facts are stating that art is guilty , but my heart says otherwise .
Even if , he did it , it's now in the past. So , what am I doing? Maybe you're scared he'd do the same with you too

Someday Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt