Chapter 11

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Art and I went to class and sat next to each other , we both were focusing but sometimes I often feel him staring at me and when I catch him he looks away , like nothing happened.
I finished school , and waited in the parking lot for Tyler.
It was cloudy and it looked like it was about to rain.
The weather was cold and the wind's voice was heard when it was blowing hard.

I look on my right knowing who was standing there.
"Hey " I smile.

He was wearing the football uniform , still sweating.
"Do you need a ride home?"

"No thank you, I already told Tyler " I say.
He stays quite for a second and then replies with an
"Okay "
"Do you mind if I wait with you? " He says.

I looked at him curiously and then he says
"I mean I'm waiting for lee anyway so mind if I wait here?" He says scratching the back of his head.

"Yes I do mind art , you're invading my privacy" I say teasing him.

"Oh really ? " he says with a smile.
In a flashlight , It started to rain , thunder and lightning bursted in like how the doors open when Prince Charming walks in.
I screamed and hugged art and hid my face in his chest.
It was raining on us harshly and all I can feel was the water pouring down.
He took off his jacket and put it around me .

Then he instantly wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer, I felt his muscles and his abs , which made me blush, I felt safe and I didn't mind the rain for a second.
If I ever stand in the rain, I always feel like I'm drowning and I can't breathe , but when he's here holding me and near me , he's my anchor.
I looked up and our faces were inches apart.

His eyes were beautiful, it was hazel and it had specks of gold in them .
He was beautiful, he was like rays of sunshine which I can't get enough of .

"You still don't want me to stay?" He whispers.

"No " I say defeated .

"I- I just don't like the rain" I say and squirm when I hear lightning.

" I'll tell you something but don't taunt me with it later on okay?" He says.

"Okay "

"When I was little I used to think when it rains , that means the clouds start to cry and when they collide it means they are fighting " he says.
I laugh , I laugh so hard that I couldn't breathe.

"Seriously are you sure that you have anphantasia?" I say.

"Hey what do you expect from a kid who lives by facts , there were loud noises and water so I thought they were fighting and crying" he laughs.

"i bet you were a cute little kid " I say chuckling.
And he joins me.

"So you're saying I'm cute ?" He smirks.
And that's the first time I see him smirk, and god it made my heart race.

"No I mean little art , little 7 year old art" I say stuttering.

"Okay because cute would be an offense for me bella " he says in a hurt tone.

He took the jacket from around me and put it on our heads like a replacement for an umbrella to prevent the rain because it was raining showers now.

He was already soaked and his hair was dropping droplets on my cheek. Surprisingly I can feel them more than I can feel the pouring rain that was pouring above us on the jacket.

We stared into each other eyes for a while it was a much deeper contact than standing so close to one another, then I  saw him leaning in , looking first at my eyes then slowly to my lips, until he was inches away, he whispered "yeppeun"
And I curse mentally for not learning more about the korean language.

"What the hell is happening here ?"
I pull away and lift the jacket up to see who was there ,and found Tyler with an umbrella , he was indeed angry.

"Art go to your car now and say hi to lee for me " I say and went to approach Tyler.

"Bella " Art said while holding on to my arm not wanting to let go.

"Art it's fine , please go " I say pleading.

"Let's go and talk Tyler " I say passing by him to his car.

We went to the car and he drove off..
"Care to explain bella ?" He says flaring.
"I like him " I say calmly.

"What? Bella are you for real? I told you that it's risky and we don't know what kind of person he is.."

"I don't care Tyler " I say interrupting him.

"I like how I feel with him and I don't want to let go of that" I say .
Tyler was silent for awhile.
"Since when? "

"It's been awhile "

"What about him? Does he likes you back?" He asks.

"Im not sure " I say.

"Why him?" He questions .

"What do you mean?" I say confused.

"Nothing bella .. nothing " he says and we arrive at my home .

"Tyler , I'd appreciate it if you lighten up , I know what I'm doing okay ?" I say comforting him.

"What if he breaks your heart?"

"Then let him break it"

"I want to experience love , even if it means getting my heart broken then let it be  " I say .

"Bella.." Tyler begins

"I'll see you at school ty " I say and opened the door to go out.

I get in the house and took off the wet jacket.
I turned on the heater before I went to take a shower.
Mom wasn't at home by the time I finished the shower , so I made a nice dinner a new dish called "ramen" , which I looked up online , it wasn't hard , I wanted to start an easy meal first , and not to take a hard challenge and mess it up. I wanted to try a korean meal ,to be prepared when art and lee come over .

I hope dad is proud of me , that I inherited his amazing cooking skills. He used to tell me that his belated dad was an amazing Italian cook back in Italy , and he used to follow him everywhere , in his little restaurant, "italiano Sorridere " meaning the Italian smile.

I know that I'm neglecting dad's anniversaries, and that I don't visit him , but I'm not that strong to go there , because by that I'll be accepting his death and I just still can't do that.
I eat dinner while watching TV , but then the doorbell rings , I got up to see whom it was.
I open the door revealing a young man in his mid 20s , he was tall and he had blue eyes and brown wavy hair.

"May I help you?" I ask.

"Señorita Isabella?" He says with a smile.

"Sí .. " I say confused.

"Oh my god , so i do have a sister " he says excitedly.

And that's when I freeze in my place , not knowing what to do. Not having a plan is my worst nightmare , being not ready for something unexpected.

Someday Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora