Chapter 28

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I thought I was smart ..
I thought i knew about the hints coincidences left for me and made precautions from being slapped on the face by fate.
But I was wrong this time.
Maybe they were already there but I turned a blind eye on them.
His handwriting ..
His forgetfulness ..

But I still wanted more answers .
That's why I drove again to his place.

"Hi .. " I say and look at the two guards.

"Arthur isn't here miss " one of them replies.

"I'm not here for him " I reply .

"Where is Damon the guard who used to send me letters ?" I ask hurriedly.
The guard takes out his walkie-talkie and calls out for his name.
After a minute he gets out of the gate and approached me.

"Miss Bella " he acknowledges.

"I need answers " I dryly say.

"Please come inside and I'll explain "he sighs and guides me in.
I enter Arthur's home, as Damon guided me to the place where guards usually sit in.
It was a room that was connected to the garage , it had a table in the middle of the room and cupboards at the sides.

I sit in front of him and asked him.
"What's wrong with Arthur ?"

He takes a breath out , surprised by my straightforwardness.
"He was completely normal , until this year."

"Earlier this year he went motorcycling alone resulting in a nasty accident " he rustles.

"It happened before he met you dear " he says trying to find my eyes .

"Slowly he started to forget daily things.
At first I thought it was normal but it got worse. It developed to the extent he forgot his past experiences, like his brother's accident and him writing you letters . I was even shocked that he seemed completely Taken aback when I told him about what happened" he says looking at his hands while explaining.

"Thankfully that's the only two things he forgot ,no one knows what else he might forget or even forgot" he declares.
I know what I was about to ask was wrong and completely out of line but I had to ask.
I had to know.

"Can you give me his current medical record ,that confirms his state ?"  I beg.

"I don't know if I can do that miss " he rejects .

"I'll return it back to you I swear. I just need to understand better from a doctor please . " I negotiate.

"I'm sorry really I can't do that"

I thanked him for at least talking with me.
I had to make one last trip to the hospital. I know he must have went there to know what was wrong .
What I was doing was wrong but I didn't care I had to fully know what is happening , I can't let go of him like that.
While climbing to the neurology department I met Jason on my way.

"Bella hey" he smiles.

"Jason I need your help " I request.

"I can't do that Jason , it's invading the patient's privacy " the doctor admits .
I brought Jason with me to convince him ,to show me Arthur's medical record and to explain it to me in detail .

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