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warning: light smut

"Hello Artemis," Johanna says. "why am I back here?" Artemis asked in anger. She then realized that she was naked and all she had on was a blanket wrapped around her. 

"Why am I naked?" "why were you naked before you went to sleep?" Johanna asked with a smirk.

"you're too young to understand," Artemis told her. " I'm you, remember...I saw the whole thing," Johanna said and Artemis looked at her with embarrassment.

"'re here because the second sign of the prophecy has happened," Johanna told her.

"what's the second sign?" "The Resurrection" Johanna told her and showed her what happened. She showed her Gar giving her the injection.

"wait, how are we seeing this if I wasn't awake?" "This is Gar's're touching him so we can see his memories, even in your sleep," Johanna told her. They watched as Artemis was twitching and the black smoke coming out of her. The smoke went back in and the fiery phoenix went into her amulet and she woke up. 

"What happens when the third sign prophecy happens?" "the scales tip to darkness with heartbreak, anger, and sadness. The darkness takes over and then...we all fall and you will do something with the dagger of Amara" Johanna told her.

"What is the dagger of Amara?"Artemis asked. "it's the dagger of life and death," Johanna told her.

"what will I do with it?" Artemis asked "I don't know...goodbye Artemis" "wait...".

Three months later...

"gotcha," Gar said pinning Artemis on the bed. "Gar, get off," Artemis told him.

"Not until you tell me where you hid my controllers," Gar said "or I'll have give you a penalty," Gar said with a smirk.

"you can't punish the birthday girl," Artemis told him " but I can fuck her now that we're both eighteen," Gar said as he unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, he then but his hand in her underwear, and fingered her. She closed her eyes and softly moaned, Gar kissed her passionately until somebody knocked.

" Artemis...someone's here to see you," Conner told her from the other side of the door. Gar groaned.

"you can fuck me later, ok," she told him before giving him a quick kiss, and he took his hand out of her jeans and got off of her. She fixed her jeans and they both went to the living room/Kitchen. When they did they saw a girl with dark blue hair, Artemis recognized the girl's scent and the blue-haired girl recognizes hers. The girl turned around and when Artemis saw her face she couldn't believe who it was.

"sister?" Artemis said. "hey sis," Apollo said.

A/N: Thank you for reading this story, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. There will be a second book, coming soon.

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