Out Of Reach

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warning: kidnapping, torture (Play song)

Artemis put the rest of her stuff in her bag and was heading for the elevator. She walked into the living room/kitchen where everyone was waiting for her. She looked over and saw Krypto give Shadow his favorite rope. They both whined, not wanting to say goodbye to each other, they had grown close to one another. Shadow walked over to Artemis with the rope in his mouth. Artemis took the rope and put it in her bag, she then looked over at Rose who wanted to run over and hug her but Hank wouldn't let her. Rachel was pissed that she lied but loved Artemis, she was the only one who understood what it was like to have a dark side that couldn't be contained. She looked over at Kory who was comforting Gar, she looked back with a sad face. Artemis then looked over at Gar who didn't even look at her, he acted as if she wasn't even there. She and Shadow walked into the elevator.

"I'm sorry...for everything," Artemis said before the doors closed. Once she was gone Dawn began to cry a little, so did Rachel, even Rose shed some tears. Hank tried to comfort Dawn but she walked away. So did Rachel and Rose. Even Donna missed her and went with Dawn to try and talk to her.

"We should have let her stay... she's family," Conner said sadly before walking away with Krypto. Gar ran to his room and cried, upset that she was gone.

Artemis was walking around the city trying to find where she had left her motorcycle. She found it in an alleyway covered by a big sheet. She was about to get on and it started to rain. She hated the rain, but maybe she deserved to be wet and cold for hurting them...for hurting Gar. She and Shadow got on the motorcycle and hit the road, they were heading for the woods. seven minutes later they stopped and got off her motorcycle, they walked to the river where she and Gar had their first kiss. She sat there looking at her reflection in the river, she looked away for a sec and looked back. When she did she saw Gar's reflection instead of hers. She closed her eyes and shook her head, when she looked back she saw herself again. But behind her was someone she didn't want to ever see again.

" Hello, Artemis...I'm afraid you're grounded" Scarecrow said before sticking a needle in her neck and injecting her with a clear liquid that blocked her powers and knocked her out. The last thing she heard was Scarecrow yelling at Shadow. Then she heard nothing.

"I miss her Donna...she was like a daughter to me," Dawn told Donna while crying, Donna held her in her arms." I do to even though she lied, I could tell that she was a good person deep down" Donna admitted.

"Yeah, "Rose said looking down at her lap as Conner put her arm around Rose to comfort her while Rachel went to talk to Gar.

"Gar, can I come in?" Rachel asked in a soft tone. She didn't get a reply so she decided to open the door, she saw Gar sitting on his bed holding one of Artemis's knives that she left in his room the night they had sex. He was just staring at it and didn't even notice that Rachel had walked in.

"Gar...you ok?" she asked a little louder which got his attention. He looked up from the knife and saw Rachel there. She could see that he was hurt so she sat next to him on his bed and hugged him, he began crying. Rachel could tell that he needed some more time alone so she gave him a warm smile and left. When she did he looked back at the knife and saw Artemis's reflection instead of his. He threw the knife across the room, taken by surprise to see her instead of him in the reflection of the knife. He got up to get it when he did he noticed something under his bed. after picking up the knife he went to see what was under his bed. It was a green envelope with his name on it. He opened it and there was a letter inside.

Dear Gar,

I have been afraid to love and afraid that I would get my heartbroken. But it turns out I'm the one who broke yours and mine. You were the only person on this earth who understood me and loved me and in return, I hurt you. I'm sorry Gar...I love you and I know that I will never love anyone as much as I love you. So I'm giving something that is not safe with me or anyone else, la Llave de mi Corazon. I love you and always will.

Love, Artemis

Gar couldn't help but cry, and when he saw what else was in the envelope he ran out of the room to go talk to Dick. While he was running to Dick he ran into Hank who was actually looking for him.

"Gar you need come to see this, quick...it's about Artemis," Hank told the boy and they both ran to the tech room where everyone was, they all looked at Shadow who had come back without Artemis but with a USB and gave it to Dick. They looked at Dick to play what was on the USB and he did.

"Hello, Titan's, my old and new friends" Scarecrow began. "I believe I have something near and dear to you all, especially the green-haired one" He moved from in front of the camera revealing Artemis who was in nothing but a bra and shorts, tied to a chair.

"Artemis," Gar said. " you see, my daughter here didn't complete her mission so now I'll have to punish her," Scarecrow said holding a metal pipe.

" I'm not your daughter, you motherfuc-". He started beating her with the pipe, as she was groaning in pain as he beat her till her body was bruised. Once he stopped he had grabbed a bottle of acid.

"now, why don't we just pour this on her," he said. "fuck you, asshole," she said then spitting in his face.

"someone oughta teach you some respect!" Scarecrow said before pouring the acid on her legs, it didn't do any damage it just hurt like hell. She screamed at the top of her lungs trying not to cry. He then grabbed a knife and stabbed her in the thigh and her side, she screamed and began to cry and beg.

"Please, stop...please" she begged but he just stabbed her in the shoulder, she then began saying Gar's name.

"Gar...please help me, please Gar help me, please" she sobbed in pain." that's right...call your little boyfriend over to save you," Scarecrow said laughing. She then knew what his plan was, he was going to use her as bait.

"you guys don't come for me ok... just stay away and forget about me...Gar find someone else to love who will love as much as I do" She began crying

" it's ok...just stay safe...I love you all...you guys are my family" Artemis said crying more. Scarecrow then got in front of the camera.

"you guys have one hour to get her back...alive," He said and stopped recording. Everyone was worried and upset, especially Gar.

"We have to find her, NOW!" Gar told Dick. "we need a plan first," Dick told him. Gar gave him an angry look with his eyes glowing green and he began to growl. Everyone noticed and went to go get ready so Gar and Dick could talk in private.

"Look Dick, I get that you don't like her but I love her and we don't have the time to wait for you to come up with a plan when her life is on the line, SO GET YOUR ASS UP, AND GET READY TO GO!" Gar told him walking away to get ready. Dick was secretly proud of Gar for standing up for someone he loves.

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