La llave de mi Corazon

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"I'm so didn't deserve this...maybe if I would have reacted better when I learned the truth, maybe you would still be here...with me," Gar said looking at her laying on a metal table. He took the la llave de mi Corazon, the key to her heart, out of his pocket. It was an actual key with a heart on the top of it. Shadow walked in and saw the key, he barked at Gar and ran out of the room. Gar wanted to follow him but didn't want to leave her side, dead or not. Shadow went to Artemis's old room and went under the bed and pulled out a small black and gold box with a heart on it with a keyhole in the middle. He took the box to Gar and barked at him again.

"what is it Shadow?" Gar asks as he turned around and saw the box, he picked it up and put it on the table. He looked at the black and gold box and saw the gold heart with the keyhole in the middle. He put two and two together and put the key she left him and put it in the keyhole, twisted it to the left and it unlocked. He opened it and saw a bunch of pictures of her in different places and some pieces of paper that had songs written on them. He smiled when he saw them, but then he saw a syringe with a black liquid in it. He pulled it out and Shadow barked at him and then walked over to Artemis and looked at the syringe. Gar understood what Shadow was trying to tell him, he went over to Artemis and stuck her in the neck with the needle, injecting her with the black liquid. She began twitching as her veins turned black and black smoke came out of her skin. She then stopped twitching and the black smoke froze in its place for a sec and went back inside her. Gar thought that it didn't work then a phoenix made of fire went through the window and flew into her amulet. Her veins started to glow with fire and then stopped. She gasped for air as she sat up and looked around. Gar was in shock and couldn't believe it. Artemis got off the table and walked up to him, she kissed him and he kissed back.

" Miss me?" She asked smiling as she pulled away from the kiss" I thought you were dead," Gar said with tears of joy in his eyes.

"you're not getting rid of me that easily, Garfield," She told him and he just kissed her with so much love and passion.

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