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warning: LAC(Long Ass Chapter)

It was 6:20 a.m, and Artemis was up, just sitting on the balcony watching the sunrise, drinking her coffee. She loved watching the sunrise, it always reminded her of her sister because of her sun amulet. It was breathtaking, she felt at peace and calm until someone sat next to her, it was Kory.

"what are you up this early"Kory asked and Artemis just ignored her at first.

"ok you don't wanna talk...ok," Kory said as she was holding her cup of coffee that Artemis made. She took a sip of it and was surprised.

"damn...did you make this?" Kory asked "yep" Artemis replied taking before taking a sip of her coffee.

"it's delicious" Kory commented and that made Artemis smile a little, she tried to hide it from Kory but she saw it.

"you know you should smile have a pretty smile, "Kory told her before looking back at the sunrise. Kory then noticed how Artemis was playing with her moon amulet.

"I like your amulet," Kory said "it really suits you"

"Thanks," Artemis said before taking a long sip of her coffee.

"where did you get it?" " my mother gave it to me the day I was born and did the same with my sister," Artemis said looking at the sunrise.

"you have a sister too, huh?" "yep...Apollo" Artemis told her.

" where is she?" Kory asked.

"you ask too many questions," Artemis told Kory "and you don't answer enough," Kory said back. They both stared at each other until Artemis gave up.

"she's at home...well her home, "Artemis told her " and you?" Kory asked.

"I don't live there anymore...I ran away" Artemis told her looking down at her coffee.

"Why did you run away?" "'s safer if I'm not there...I get people killed and I'm done doing that to my people" She told Kory.

"and it was all just too much...with being the oldest and next in line, I- damn it," Artemis said realizing that she confessed about her past.

"I understand how you feel...I'm next in line on my home planet and I really don't want to go back and rule when I'm not ready to, and all the people I love are here " Kory told her understanding the pressure.

" least someone understands," Artemis said smiling at Kory.

"yeah," Kory smiled back. They both watched the sunrise together drinking their coffee and talking.

Fifteen minutes later,

Dick walked into the living room/kitchen and saw Kory and Artemis talking. He went to go see what they were talking about.

"Hey...what are you two talking about?" he asked them. They both looked at each other and then back at Dick.

"it's female stuff you wouldn't understand," Kory said and then winked at Artemis and Artemis smiled at her. Dick wanted to investigate what they were really talking about but just walked away and went to make some coffee. He went over to the coffee maker to find that there was already some coffee made, so he poured it into his mug and tasted it.

"Wow...this is amazing" he mumbled to himself before taking another sip.

"Which one of you made this?" he asked Kory and Artemis.

"She did," Kory told him. Dick walked over to them.

"What did you put in the coffee to make it taste this good?" he asked taking another sip.

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