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warning: blood, mauling, murdering, kidnapping, burning

"Mom come on," Wyatt said

"WYATT WAIT FOR US!" Lily told him.

"He never listens, "Lupus says after he runs after him.

"mom?"Artemis says"Yes Johanna?" Lily says.

"Do you think I'll be a good person when I grow up?" she asked.

"Of courses you will," she says with a smile on her face as she gives her a kiss. "Johanna, I love you," she says looking into Artemis's green wolf eyes" I love you more," she says back"I love you most, my Johanna," she says pushing her playfully. They were about to race like they always do, but then they heard Lupus howling for them. So they went to find him and Wyatt in front of a big tiger. The tiger was about to kill them when Lily attacked him. 

"KIDS!...RUN!...GO BACK HOME!" she says still fighting the tiger. Wyatt and Lupus ran, but Artemis stayed watching her mother and the tiger fight hoping her mom would win. But the Tiger throw her in front of Artemis, she was covered in scratches and blood.

"My Johanna...never stop fighting, always keep your guard up, protect your the ones you love, and always matter where you are, what you are, or who you will always be my Johanna...I love you" she says to Artemis. Then, right in front of her, the tiger snaps her mother's neck off leaving Artemis in nothing but tears

"NOOOOO...MOM!" she screamed as the tiger telepathically says."You're coming with me...don't worry little one, you'll be with your mother soon" he laughs.

A few minutes later Artemis, Lupus, and Wyatt were in cages surrounded by people with guns, knives, and torches. Then a man with a big scar across his face makes them watch as they put their mother's body in a big fire. He then says to Artemis"You are nothing but a freak, a monster, a demon from hell and you will burn tonight"He then lights the cage Artemis was in on fire as her brothers watched in fear and sadness.  

The fire didn't burn, it understood her and how she felt, the fire told her to let all pain and anger out. So she screamed, her irises fiery as fire shot out of her and killed everyone besides her, her brothers, and the tiger who ran away. when she walked out of the melted cage a giant Phoenix made of fire came out of her and freed her brothers, who ran and hugged her with tears in their eyes,

"I thought we lost you too," Wyatt says. "go back to the pack tell Father what happened, ok?" they both nod and ran. When they left the fire phoenix went back inside Artemis. Then she heard a roar come from behind her.

"YOU...YOU KILLED THEM, YOU KILLED ALL OF THEM, YOU KILLED MY MASTER...NOW I'LL KILL YOU" he scratched her side and she turned into her wolf form and bit his throat out of anger and turned back human, watching the tiger choke on his own blood, as his blood dripped from her mouth.

"You will...burn in hell for are nothing but a demon... and do nothing but destroy...I'll see you in hell," he said smiling and choking.

"guess what pussy cat...I AM HELL!"She says, her irises were glowing with fire as she burned the tiger to death, hearing him roar in pain brought a smile to Artemis's face. After killing the tiger all the ashes around went into her making dark phoenix wings come out of her and then going back in.  Making her eyes go black and then normal. In that moment she was no longer Johanna the angle like the princess her mother always called her was no more, she was now Artemis, a demon, a killer who will never stop fighting, never let her guard down, and protect the ones she matter what

8 years later... 

Artemis had changed a lot. For one she was now fifteen and was the best at everything, but kept to herself. She was a warrior who has been battling to protect her kingdom. She hated Rune her real father and the true king. Claw the guy she, her brothers, and sister called father when they were kids. He forced their mother to marry him and make him king. He loved her but she never loved him, she loved Rune who was his Beta. But three months after their mom died, Claw blamed them and tried to kill them, Rune killed him before he could and since then he has been king and has been pushing Artemis and making her do more princess-like things that she doesn't like nor want to do. She was more of a fighter than a princess.

One night Rune was mad at her for skipping a meeting to go hang out with her sister Apollo. 

" HOW DARE YOU SKIP A MEETING! are a princess, you need to act like one, Johanna," Rune says.

"Don't fucking call me that" Artemis talks back.

"Don't talk to you king that way" Rune growls at her. She looked straight into his dark green eyes and said "Just because you fucked my mom and are the father of her children doesn't make you least not to me."

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