Stay away from her

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Warning: light smut

Dick brought them back to the tower where everyone was waiting for them. As soon as they walked in Dawn ran over and hugged Artemis and she hugged back and Shadow came up and put his paw on her leg. Dawn then noticed that she was wet and cold.

"oh my God your freezing, go take a warm shower while I make you some tea ok, "Dawn told her. She just nodded and looked at Gar who was looking back at her before she walked to the bathroom and Shadow followed her. When they were gone everyone looked at Gar

"Why the hell did you take her out of the tower!?" Hank asked pissed.

"She wanted to hunt to let off steam and-" He was cut off.

"and instead you made out with her in a river, naked" Dick said and Gar just looked down and everyone looked at each other then back at him.

"Why were you two even in the river in the first place!?"Dick asked but Gar didn't answer he didn't want to get her in trouble.

" you know what, you're going to stay away from her" "what!" Gar said in anger.

"You heard me," Dick said. 

"You don't get to decide that," Gar told him.

" But I're in my place, I am your leader, so you will follow my rules," Dick told him.

"Fuck you, Dick"Gar said before walking away, Everyone was shocked.

"Gar come back here," Dick told the boy but he just flipped him off as he walked away from them. Gar was pissed, Dick had no right, but Gar had to listen to him and hated that. 

12:34 a.m....

Gar was up, he couldn't sleep so he got up and went to the kitchen where he saw Artemis sitting on the island table wearing a long shirt that stops mid-thigh while looking at the city lights. Gar knew he should have just walked away.

"come out...I can hear you breathing" She said with her wolf ears up. Gar still wanted to walk away, then she said his name.

"Gar?" he was frozen in that spot.

"come here...I just wanna talk" she said in a soft tone. He knew he was supposed to stay away from her but he couldn't help it so he walked into the kitchen.

"hey," Gar said "hey there, stranger," she said to him. He went to the freezer and grabbed some mint chocolate chip ice cream and a spoon. He sat next to her, Artemis looked over at him eating the ice cream and thought about the dream she had about Gar. Gar noticed her looking over.

"you want some?" he asked handing it over to Artemis. She nodded, took the ice cream, and ate some.

"so...what was that argument about?" she asked him and he just looked at his lap.

"Nothing," he told her. "what were you guys talking about?" she asked again.

"I said it's Nothing," he said reaching for the ice cream but she jerked it back from him. He gave her an angry look. "you not getting this back until you talk" Artemis told him.

"says someone who tried to kill themself when not wanting to talk," he told her. She then began to growl at him with her eyes glowing green. He growled back at her as well, his eyes also green. He then kissed her, she put her hands on his bare chest...yes he was shirtless. He put his hand on her upper leg and squeaked her thigh, she loved his touch as their anger went away easily. He lifted her and made her straddle him, she then put her hand on his hard and rubbed him through his sweat pants. He groaned, wanting her to go faster. She didn't need to read his mind to know he wanted more, so she went faster and faster. He wanted to fuck her right then and there, he began lifting her shirt and she didn't stop rubbing him. They both then heard someone's footsteps coming towards them. They pulled away from the kiss, and stopped touching each other, moving away from each other. They saw Rose walk in and when she saw them both in the kitchen, with the lights off, alone she knew what happened. She crossed her arms and smirked, then looked at Gar and shook her head at him, which confused Artemis.

"Why are you shaking your head at him?" She asked Rose.

"No reason," she said getting some water and walking away. 

"Why was she shaking her head at you, like you were doing something wrong?" Artemis asked Gar, who just kissed her before he walked back to his room. She could have read his mind but didn't want to invade the privacy of his mind because she cared about him.

The next morning...

Artemis was in the living room with Rachel and Rose, watching 'Tiny Pretty Things' on Netflix, when she saw Gar walk in. They made eye contact until he just grabbed a pear and walked away. She got up and followed him to the tech room.

"Gar can we talk?" she asked but he just ignored her and typed on the computer's keyboard. She walked up next to him, he glanced at her and then looked back at the monitor.

"what are you-" she was cut off. "could you just, go...please, I'm busy and need to be alone," he told her and she just nodded with sadness on her face and went back to the living room. Gar sighed sadly as she walked away, wanting to hold her, kiss her, but he knew he couldn't. Last night was too close and he did want to get her in trouble...he loved her.

"Are you ok?" Rachel asked and Artemis just nodded and sat back in between them where she was before. Rachel and Rose hugged her and she felt a little bit better. They then went back to watching TV, but she couldn't help but think about Gar. She wanted to hug him, kiss him, but she could tell he was going through something and didn't want to make it worse...she loved him

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