I will keep you safe

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warning: kidnapping, implied murdering

"Where am I?" Artemis said as she woke up chained to a metal table. As she looked around and saw Shadow in a cage with a dog muzzle to keep him from barking. She then started to scream for help.


"hush girl," someone said.

"Who are you and why am I here?"Artemis asked.

"I...am the person who will help and you are here because this is your new home," he said.

"Let me see who or what you are...Now!" Artemis demanded.

The strange person stepped into the light and showed himself. The man had a mask on with an orange light coming from the inside of it. It made him look like a glowing scarecrow.

"I'm Scarecrow your new...guardian, "Scarecrow said in an evilly happy tone.

"Well...why did you poison me and my dog?... That's not what a guardian does!" Artemis said angry not believing his bullshit.

"Alright you got me, I'm not your guardian...But I will keep you and your..mutt" Scarecrow said, Shadow growled at him for calling him a mutt. As he walked closer she felt her hands start to heat up. She was ready to burn his ass. He noticed and just smiled.

"oh...well look what we have here," he said looking at her hands" you have powers...interesting"

"do you have more powers" he asked.

"even if I did I wouldn't tell you" she snapped back.

"You have no one but that mutt...you have nowhere to stay by the looks of what's in your bag, so I'm the only one you have now, "He said in a mean tone. Artemis thought about what he said.

"I...I have other powers" She told him.

"Great...now you will stay with me and help me with somethings, ok?" he said and she thought about it for a sec.

"or I will kill that little mutt of yours" "NO! I'll stay and help you...but I need to know that we will be safe here?" she said.

"I will keep you safe, as long as you help me...deal?" he asked

"Deal," Artemis said back.

Two years later...

Artemis and Scarecrow now have a sort of strange father-daughter relationship, She even calls him dad. He had trained her to be a killer and use her mental abilities to hurt people mentally and torture people with bad memories and emotions. He also taught her how to throw a knife and with her dark abilities, she could control where the knife goes when she throw it. She once had thrown a knife controlling it to slit five guys throats. She was now a killer and loved it, even when she mauled people she loved the taste of blood and flesh. She was a monster to others but to her, she was a badass. Shadow even killed with his powers. He would turn into a black swarm and choke, rip, or crush people and he didn't mind killing if it meant protecting him and Artemis.

"Artemis I have another mission for you," Scarecrow told Artemis as he handed her some pictures. She looked through them.

"Ok, but who are these people?" she was referring to the five people in the pictures as she went through them.

"The Titans, one of my worst enemies...I need you and Shadow to-" "Kill them, torture them, maul them," she said excitedly.

"No...not yet. See I need you to get them to take you in and play with their emotions, and once you're in you will act as if you ran away from me" he told her.

"Ok...then I kill them," she said happily.

"no then we kill them, "Scarecrow said with an evil grin. Artemis did the same and Shadow wagged his tail.

"Perfect" Artemis said excited that she not only was going to kill the Titans but she was going to play them too.

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