Who's Your Dad?

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warning: implied abuse

"So I was running away from my dad and was trying to get as far away from him as possible. So I was speeding and pasted a cop car, the cop said "pull over", but I was in my feelings and didn't care so I just kept going faster. The cop then called for back up and things got so outta hand and when they trapped me I lost it. I let my dark side come out and then I killed them and I liked it. When the cop had grabbed me Shadow went start for him, Shadow is my protector...he has always been ever since the day I found him in the woods. Shadow and I are connected...I don't know how but we just are" she told them.

"What about flipping off the camera?"Rose asked with a smile.

"oh well that was just for fun and I also hate the world so, "Artemis said chuckling a bit and Rose joined in with a little chuckle too.

"ok, but just one more question...who is your dad?"Kory asked

Artemis looked down and answered." Dr. Jonathan Crane, also known as Scarecrow" Artemis answered.

Dick, Dawn, Donna, and Hank's eyes widened as they looked at each other and back at Artemis.

"So he's your father?"Dick asked.

"adoptive father...he found -well drugged and kidnapped Shadow and I. He somehow knew that I-" she cut herself off.

"that you what?"Rachel asked.

"That I...had powers," Artemis said.

" So he trained me and Shadow to kill people and like it, "Artemis told them.

"ok, why did you run away from him?" Dick asked with concern in his voice.

"He would...beat me, put me on drugs that would make me see things I fear, or burn me with acid since I can't get burned by fire if I didn't do what he told me to do"Artemis began to tear up but tried to stay strong." He even stabbed me in the leg once" a few tears slipped and she was hoping no one noticed, but everyone noticed and felt bad. Dawn then sat next to the girl and hugged her, at that moment Artemis felt a bond between her and Dawn. Dawn felt it too.

"Ok, thanks for telling us about this," Dick said with a small smile.

"oh and here's your bag" Dick handed it to her.

"Thanks," Artemis said taking the bag from him and going back to her room and Shadow followed. When she got to her room she put her bag in her room and headed for the bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and saw Gar cleaning the cut she gave him. 

"Hey," she said "Hey," Gar said back looking at her in the mirror. 

"you here to cut me again?" Gar asked her sarcastically. She walked up next to him, grabbed a towel with alcohol on it, and put it upon his cut.

"fuck" he hissed. She then put peroxide on it to clean it more. She turned around and got something from the first aid kit.

"ok...now for the fun part," Artemis said holding a needle, Gar's eyes widen and he shook his head.

"No! no...I don't trust y-" He was cut off when she stuck him with the needle and began to stitch him.

"HOLY SHIT!" Gar yelled as she stitched his cut. "I told you I don't trust you...or know you"

"I give zero fucks if you trust me or not, just be fucking grateful that I'm helping you because I could have just stood there and watched you struggle and suffer in pain as you stiched yourself. So if I hear you say "I don't trust you" one more time, I will gladly give you another deep cut!" Artemis told him annoyed. Gar just looked at her in shock and winched in pain as she keep stitching him. She saw that he was in so much pain so she did what her mother did when she was upset or hurt.

'Why you want to fly Blackbird you ain't ever gonna fly'
'No place big enough for holding all the tears you're gonna cry
cause your mama's name was lonely and your daddy's name was pain
And they call you little sorrow cause you'll never love again
So why you want to fly Blackbird you ain't ever gonna fly
You ain't got no one to hold you...you ain't got no one to care
If you'd only understand dear nobody wants you anywhere
So why you want to fly Blackbird you ain't ever gonna fly, why you wanna fly blackbird you ain't ever gonna fly' 

Artemis sung to calm Gar as she finished stitching him. He looked at her with a soft eye, her voice was beautiful. Gar then realized that he was blushing, but why.

"Wow...you have a beautiful voice," Gar told her "lets never speak of this again," She said as she up a patch on his stitches and walked out of the bathroom. Gar wondered why she did want to speak of it, she could really sing and shouldn't hide it. 

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