Not going back....

Start from the beginning


She sighed "This is going to be hard...." she whispered to herself, walking towards the exit.



"So once the dragon is all grown up we can go back!!" Sapnap said excitedly to the others in the living room, they were all seated in the couches while Angela went to put Borealis to sleep with Sky, since it was getting kinda late. 

"You mean we can go home?!" Tommy shouted "YES!!" Sapnap responded, really hyped.

"We are going home!!" Tommy yelled, high-fiving Tubbo who echoed "We are going home!" he shouted back grabbing Tommy's hands and hopping around, Dream and George hugged each other. Angela came back from her short trip, seeing the two children hop around, a giggle escaped her mouth. 

"Angela, how long will it be until the dragon can bring us back?" Techno asked, she raised her hands in surrender.

"I have no clue, if he has to learn to use all the elements at once it could take several months of training, not counting the fact that we don't even know IF he can do that or not, it is a really old book after all" she responded, leaning against the nearby wall.

"Nonetheless i'll train him as fast as i can so you can all go home soon" she said with a weak smile, Techno noticed.

"You think we can bring our dragons with us?" Tubbo asked, she shook her head.

"The book clearly says only you can go back" Techno was looking at her suspiciously.

"Can i at least bring the stuff i gathered? Like gold and shit?" Tommy asked, she sighed.

"No Tommy, only you people can go through the portal, nothing else" Techno decided to talk.

"Why do you keep saying that?" he asked, receiving a weird look from everyone exept her.

"What do you mean Techno?" Wilbur asked, confused.

"Why do you keep referring at us leaving excluding yourself from the picture" he cleared, the others looked at her, she pinched the bridge of her nose, already knowing where this was going.

"I'm sure she did it by accident. She-" Bad was interrupted by Techno "You can't do something like excluding yourself from a subject three times in a row 'by accident' Bad. She did it on purpose" he accused, Sapnap looked at her.

"I-is that true?" he asked, not wanting to believe it, she let out a loud sigh.

"Yes" was all she said, causing the group to gasp.

"But... why?" Dream asked, his voice shaky.

"I... i just... can't go back" she said, rubbing her arm and looking at the floor, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"What do you mean? Why can't you go back?" Wilbur asked, confused.

"I just can't ok? Don't push it... please" she begged, digging her nails into her left arm. Sapnap wasn't having any of it.

"NO! Why?! Why can't you go back!?" he shouted, Angela cringed.

"Nick please... i-" he interrupted her.

"NO! Tell us why!!" he shouted in an angry voice "Don't you want to see your family again?" she flinched "Don't.... please" she begged, her nails digging in her arm's flesh, drawing some blood.

"Don't you want to see them again? Don't you miss them?"

"Of course i do..." she responded, her voice low and wobbly.

The Dragon tamer | SapnapXOCWhere stories live. Discover now