"No, I was still a kit, but I was going to be apprenticed soon. My mother says that it was an amusing time for the Clan when you and Dawnpaw were born. Quickstorm is a calm senior warrior, respected by the whole Clan—but when his kits were born, he could hardly sit still!"

Rosepaw laughed. She imagined her calm, collected father bouncing around the camp like he had lost ten moons of age.

Suddenly Nightpaw asked, "What was it like for you, learning that Dawnpaw was going to be a medicine cat?"

Rosepaw found herself at a loss for words, not only because of the abrupt change of subject, but because she wasn't even sure how she felt about it.

"I already knew she was going to be a medicine cat," she began, pawing at a pigeon feather self-consciously. "She told me a couple days before we were apprenticed. I don't really know how I feel about her decision...it was just so unexpected. I had always imagined us being warriors together.

"I know it was something she had to decide on her own. And I'm glad she didn't feel like she needed my approval, because she doesn't. I shouldn't stop her from following the path she chooses to follow. But...it still doesn't stop me from resenting her for her choice. We were going to be such great warriors, together...and now we'll never have that. Things will never be the same for us."

Finally stopping for breath, Rosepaw looked at Nightpaw again, surprised that he had listened to her rambling without interrupting. Her friend was gazing at her thoughtfully, as if carefully planning his response.

"You might not get to spend every moment together, like you did as kits," he murmured at last, "but Dawnpaw is still your sister. The bond of kinship is stronger than anything. Stronger than Clan bonds, even. As long as she's your sister, nothing will ever break the bond that you have."

Rosepaw considered his words. Dawnpaw had told her almost the exact same thing. We may not get to train together, but I'll always be your sister.

Nightpaw sighed, staring wistfully into the distance. "Sometimes I envy the cats with brothers and sisters," he admitted. "I was alone growing up. My litter was born just before newleaf, when sickness was just fading away. We all caught the last bit of greencough, and I was the only one who made it. I never really knew my siblings."

"I'm sorry about that." Rosepaw stretched to give him a comforting lick over his ear. "You must really miss them."

"I try to train knowing that I'll be a warrior for all three of us. I'll live in honor of the life they'll never get to see."

Rosepaw blinked fondly at her friend. Nightpaw was so young, but so mature for his age. Now I can understand why. He's been through quite a lot already.

Suddenly a loud rustling caught her attention. Nightpaw's ears pricked as if he had heard it too; returning patrols never usually made that much noise.

Something's wrong.

She watched as Quickstorm burst out of the fern tunnel, with Forestfire and Hazelfrost at his heels. The patrol was unhurt, but all three cats' eyes were round with worry.

"Adderstar!" Quickstorm called, his urgent meow echoing through the silent clearing. "You need to hear this."

Below the Cliffrock, the SunClan leader emerged from the cave he used as his den. "What's going on?" he growled, padding up to the patrol.

Quickstorm sidestepped and flicked his tail towards Forestfire, who stepped forward. Rosepaw leaned forward to hear what she had to say.

"I caught a scent of rogue cats near Twolegplace," Forestfire said. "It was very strong. They've been on our territory before!"

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