Chapter 11

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Glancing around, Rosepaw surveyed the camp from the entrance of the apprentices' den. Only Nightpaw was still asleep inside. The older apprentices had left camp earlier, to receive the most advanced battle training yet: combat above ground, among the lush branches of the trees. It was a skill that SunClan took pride in, and a skill that was respected and feared by the other Clans. Rosepaw couldn't wait until she was old enough to train in something as amazing as that.

She focused her attention on the rest of the camp. As the sun climbed higher into the pale, late greenleaf sky, more cats were emerging from their dens. Below the Cliffrock, Beestripe was surrounded by cats volunteering for border patrols and hunting patrols.

Nearby Pineclaw was reporting to Adderstar about the minor border skirmish he and Rosepaw had encountered earlier that morning. The Clan leader's eyes were narrowed in surprise, and occasionally he twitched his whiskers with amusement. I don't blame him, she purred to herself. This morning was quite interesting for Pineclaw and I!

Birchpelt was just leaving the nursery, his blue eyes shining with joy. Clearly he had just finished visiting Rainfoot and the kits. At the warrior den, Willowstripe and Shinefur were sharing tongues outside, while Deerdapple and Harefoot were coaxing a sleepy Robinfeather from his nest.

Ashwhisker and Fernstripe were outside the elders' den, soaking up the warmth that the rising sun brought. Brokenstem's amber eyes gleamed sleepily out of the den entrance. Rosepaw remembered the huge amount of moss her and Nightpaw had been forced to retrieve. I'd bet that's why Ashwhisker isn't as cranky as usual, she thought. She can renew her nest the moment she wants to!

Yawning, Rosepaw felt a comfortable contentment that the Clan was at ease. She just hoped darkly that the prey-stealing rogues, or the incoming leaf-bare, didn't mess everything up.

Rising to her paws, she padded over to the nursery. She hadn't seen the kits yet, and decided that now would be a good time to visit them since Birchpelt had just left.

The warm, milky scent of the nursery brought back early memories of suckling at her mother Patchflower's belly, her soft fur always brushing her sister's. Rosepaw gazed in awe at Rainfoot, who had her gentle gaze fixed on the four soft bundles that nuzzled her belly.

"Oh, Rainfoot!" Rosepaw breathed. "They're beautiful. Congratulations," she added.

"The dark ginger one is Acornkit," Rainfoot meowed, her voice thick with pride and love. "She's my firstborn. The gray tabby like me is Crowkit. The two white-and-orange kits are Flashkit and Leafkit. They almost look identical, but Flashkit has one orange paw."

"Acornkit, Crowkit, Flashkit, and Leafkit." Rosepaw recited their names in an excited whisper. "Four little warriors in the making. Welcome to SunClan."

Something rustled behind her, and she turned to see Pineclaw nosing his way into the nursery.

"I haven't seen the kits yet," he explained. "And I won't miss welcoming them to SunClan!"

"Their names are Acornkit, Crowkit, Flashkit, and Leafkit." Rosepaw touched her tail-tip to each kit in turn, feeling proud that she already knew the names of all four.

"Those are good names," Pineclaw purred, his amber gaze fixed on the kits. "The apprentice den will be packed full in a few moons!"

"I can already tell that Acornkit will be a feisty one," Rainfoot meowed, her whiskers twitching with amusement as she watched her firstborn. "She hardly stops moving. Her littermates can't beat her to anything!"

I wonder if one of these kits will be my first apprentice? Rosepaw asked herself. Hopefully I'll be a warrior by then.

She glanced at her mentor, who was still watching the kits. The nursery was slightly crowded, and his pelt was brushing hers. Suddenly Rosepaw felt a little self-conscious, but there was no room for her to wiggle away. If Pineclaw noticed her shyness, he gave no sign of it.

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