Chapter 19

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Even FireClan knows better than to disobey the warrior code.

The statement ran through Rosepaw's mind as her patrol returned to the camp through the tunnel of ivy and ferns. It was something Pineclaw had said to her on her first day out of camp as a new apprentice. Looks like he was wrong, she thought.

Although the memory of those three FireClan warriors—that stupid dark ginger she-cat in particular—stirred up a deep anger in her, she forced herself to keep her fur flat, mouth shut, and claws sheathed. Pineclaw is already furious as it is. No need to make things worse.

Every other search patrol had returned, and the Clan was gathered in the clearing. They gasped when they saw the wounds that every cat in the patrol bore. Then they noticed the four little bundles that were carried between Pineclaw and Juniperfur, and began yowling with relief and approval.

"They found the kits!"

"FireClan must've had something to do with it."

"Look at their wounds!"

"Are the kits injured too?"

Adderstar shouldered his way through the crowd, flanked by Rainfoot and Birchpelt. Juniperfur and Pineclaw laid the kits down, and they scurried up to their mother, mewling happily.

"All four of them are safe," Juniperfur assured the couple.

"Oh, my kits!" Rainfoot was purring so hard she could barely speak. "Thank you, thank you so much! I thought I'd lost them for good!"

Adderstar's eyes narrowed, and he looked around. "Where is Hazelfrost?" he asked.

"She's leading a fox out of Clan territory," Pineclaw responded pointedly.

"A fox? Oh, my goodness!" Rainfoot's eyes were wide and round as full moons. She wrapped her tail protectively around her four kits. The rest of the Clan had heard the queen's echo and were gasping with shock.

"So that's why they're hurt so badly!"

"Thank StarClan the kits weren't killed."

"I hope that fox never comes back to SunClan!"

"Now, now." Adderstar waved his tail for silence. "The patrol can tell their story later. Right now, I need to ask these kits a few questions."

"We're crowfood now," Crowkit muttered.

"Hush and listen to your leader," Rainfoot ordered.

Adderstar sat down, with the kits in a line in front of him. "So, why in StarClan's name did you think it was a good idea to sneak out of camp?" he prompted. The wry curiosity in his tone almost made Rosepaw snicker, but she knew better. "Did you want to get eaten by a fox?"

Acornkit stepped forward, her head bowed sulkily. "It was my idea, Adderstar," she announced. "I convinced the rest of them to come with me."

"But why did you do it?" Adderstar repeated.

Acornkit shot a guilty glance at Rosepaw, and then replied, "I found a tunnel beside the elders' den that goes under the camp wall. smelled of Rosepaw and Nightpaw, so I thought it would be fun to follow the scent trail through the forest."

Around her, Rosepaw's world seemed to stop moving. Her vision blurred from horror.

It's my fault the kits snuck out, she realized despairingly. They were following my scent trail. They almost got killed, because of me!

She didn't dare look up. She knew what she would see: dozens of eyes all staring at her in disapproval, knowing that if the kits had died, it would have been her fault. She wondered where Nightpaw was in the crowd, and what was going through his head.

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