Chapter 54

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Rosethorn's head pounded dreadfully as she stood, still pinning the black-and-white rogue but frozen to the spot. Her thoughts were filled with death and blood and cats crying out in pain. Some of the cries brought her joy; others made her wish she was the one being hurt instead of them. She could barely focus, could barely hold herself up with her legs.

In front of her, many fox-lengths away, Zodiac still had Nightshade pinned helplessly to the ground. Her paw was pressed to his throat—though her claws were sheathed—and she was hissing something to him that Rosethorn was too far away to hear. The sight made her sick. Everything she saw, from the bloodstained battlefield to the cat beneath her to her best friend a mousetail away from death, made her sick.

Adderstar's voice rang out in her head, so vivid that she almost turned to see if he was standing beside her. Cats do unspeakable things when they are driven by grief.

Was this the unspeakable thing she was going to do? Was she about to sacrifice the best friend she'd ever had in the name of her own revenge? Was she going to shred this cat until there was nothing left to bury, simply because she wanted to? That was the furthest thing from honorable. And willingly letting her own Clanmate die was just as disgraceful.

Rosethorn used to think that, if she didn't get to kill this rogue as he'd killed Pineclaw, she would never be able to forgive herself for it. But there was a new truth in her mind, a much different one.

If I stood by and let Zodiac murder Nightshade, I'd never forgive myself.

And just like that, the decision that had seemed impossible before now had the simplest answer. The black-and-white rogue meant nothing to Rosethorn now. All that mattered was Nightshade.

Rosethorn leapt away from the rogue's body, giving him the freedom to stand—if he even could. She refused to spare him even a glance as she moved, striding silently towards Zodiac and Nightshade so as not to alert the former that she was coming.

As she approached, she overheard the last bit of what Zodiac had been saying to Nightshade: "...with us, then you are against us. We both thought you would make a good addition to the group, but you've made your choice and there's no taking it back. Now you will suffer the consequences."

What the...? Rosethorn hardly had time to process what Zodiac was talking about before she noticed that the rogue leader's claws were now out, and pressing into Nightshade's throat. Her reflexes kicked into overdrive.

"Get away from him!" she screeched, and a heartbeat later she was flinging herself at Zodiac, tackling her off of Nightshade and driving her into the dirt. Zodiac fell with a shocked yelp, and then let out a choked gasp as she hit the ground.

She heard Nightshade's panting behind her, and turned to see him still sprawled on the ground, wide eyes glazed in shock. Zodiac's claws had pricked his neck, and beads of shiny blood formed among his dark fur.

"Nightshade!" she shouted, willing her friend to get up. "Are you okay? You have to—"

She broke off with a cry as Zodiac's paw connected with her cheek, tearing it from her eye to her jaw. Before she could retaliate, she was tossed to the side like she was nothing but a scrawny mouse. For all her skinniness, she's still really strong!

She scrambled to her paws just as Zodiac charged at her with a startling speed. With no time to dodge, Rosethorn simply leapt up again to meet her head-on. As they collided, Rosethorn's heavier form managed to overthrow Zodiac's, and they fell to the ground with her on top.

Snarling, Rosethorn dug her claws into her enemy; her forepaws met in Zodiac's shoulders while her hind legs churned at her belly. Clumps of black fur tinged with white flew through the air, and Zodiac howled. She sank her teeth into one of Rosethorn's paws and wrenched it free. Fiery pain snaked up her leg, and she bit back a howl of her own.

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