Chapter 26

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It had been several sunrises since that fateful day with Nightpaw. Rosepaw was laying just inside the apprentice den, with a pigeon she had barely touched in front of her. Outside, the rest of the Clan was cheerfully mingling beneath the setting sun. The Gathering patrol was waiting patiently beside the fern tunnel, chatting amongst themselves. Two of the cats that were going were Nightpaw and Minnowtail.

Rosepaw watched as they talked easily to each other, occasionally laughing. It felt like her former friend was deliberately hanging out with Minnowtail to get back at her. And he probably was, considering how much she had hurt him without even realizing it.

She had been confined to camp for the last Gathering, and had been so eager to go to the next one. But now she had confined herself to camp, not being able to bear so many cats around her at once—and, of course, because Minnowtail and Nightpaw were on the patrol. I wonder if Nightpaw really kept his promise. I wouldn't be surprised if Minnowtail knows all about how I thought she was a traitor helping MoonClan in secret.

And, the truth was that, in spite of everything that had happened, Rosepaw still couldn't bring herself to trust the pretty silver tabby. But she had sworn that she would never act out against her suspicions again, unless she had real, solid proof. Not after her world had been shattered right before her eyes.

How stupid am I, to have thought that Nightpaw would actually help me? she thought, for what was certainly not the first time. How stupid was I, to have not known that he loved me until he said it to my face?

There were so, so many reasons that Rosepaw was furious at herself. So many reasons that she was the dumbest, most reckless apprentice that had ever existed. She punished herself by training even harder than she had before, and barely eating anything afterwards. As if she could even bring herself to eat.

As Adderstar and Beestripe rounded up the Gathering patrol to leave, Rosepaw recalled how Dawnpaw had walked silently with her all the way back to camp that day. Dawnpaw had settled her in her nest in the apprentice den, and had gone to Grayleaf saying her sister had a bellyache and couldn't train. Rosepaw had been excused to lay in her nest for the rest of the day, which was exactly what she had needed—not that it made her feel any better. Especially because she was the reason that Dawnpaw didn't return with any herbs. The plants she and Shadowpool had used to mask Minnowtail's scent had turned out to be goldenrod. A precious, strong healing plant that Rosepaw had wasted.

You stupid, stupid apprentice!

Rosepaw pushed the pigeon further away from her and rested her chin on her paws. She had destroyed a clump of valuable herbs, badly damaged the warriors' den, and lost her best friend in a span of just two days. And there was no one else to blame but her.

"You're not going to eat that either, are you?"

Rosepaw glanced up to see Pineclaw approaching her, his normally bright eyes darkened with concern.

Seeing her mentor—the cat she had fallen in love with over Nightpaw—made her feel sick. The memory of her best friend's words was still fresh in her mind: You'd still love Pineclaw, more than you'll ever love me.

"Rosepaw? Don't fall asleep on me." Pineclaw settled himself beside her, close to her but not enough that their pelts brushed. He seemed to sense that she wanted some space.

"Weren't you supposed to be on the Gathering patrol?" she asked.

"I was. But I asked Adderstar if I could stay behind and watch over you. And don't tell me that you don't need me to help you," he added briskly, "because I'm here whether you like it or not."

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