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The sound of the rain was almost deafening to you as it pelted outside, drenching the body of your friend. Your eyebrows were furrowed together with worry, eyes wide and shaking, and lips parted in shock. You felt emotions swirling inside of you as you tried to wrap your head around everything. Dio couldn’t be dead that easily, could he? The mask had pierced his brain when he was shot, so maybe he was still alive, but also dead at the same time. 

“Stop it, Vex. He’s dead!” Speedwagon grunted as you began thrashing around in his grasp. 

“No! I refuse to believe it!” You shouted, elbowing him in the side. Speedwagon loosened his grip and you knocked him away, however, you were backed into a corner by the remaining three officers. 

“Have some respect, wretch!” One of them barked, raising his pistol towards you. “Sir Joestar is dying in his son’s arms!”

“To hell with them!” You shouted, making everyone freeze in shock. “If he was stupid enough to believe that he could tame a wild beast, then the bastard deserved everything he got!”

“Why, you-” The officer didn’t get to finish his sentence as you slammed your fist against his jaw and made him stumble back. You dove for your blade on the ground and rolled to the side as the men starting shooting at you. Your eyes blazed with such an amount of anger that no one in the room had ever seen. 

“You’re all bastards!” You shouted, voice beginning to waver as you ducked behind a man and drove your knife into his back, spinning and kicking another’s gun away. “Every one of you!”

“Vex, stop this!” Speedwagon yelled, trying to calm you down. In all the years he’d worked with you, seen the number of times you’d been pulled over and struck down, he’d never seen you so angry. He’d never seen this many emotions from you. 

“I won’t stop until everyone last person in this room is dead,” You snarled, slashing your blade in the air and making the blood on it splatter onto the wooden planks at your feet. Insanity sparked in your eyes. “You killed my friend, and now I’m going to kill you.” Speedwagon’s eyes shook with fear. He knew you meant it. You really would kill everybody in this room, and you could pull it off too. Speedwagon couldn’t count on his fingers how many times you’d killed a few cops you caught you robbing a shop with him. 

A sharp cry of pain brought everyone’s sense to you as you fell back, clutching your shoulder as a bullet pierced you. The officer pounced on you, wrestling with you on the ground before turning you over and shoved your face into the floor. “Give me the rope!” He yelled as you thrashed around, not caring about the pain in your shoulder. The adrenaline was blocking it out for the moment. 

“Get off me!” You barked, struggling as the man yanked your wrists back and tied your hands together all the way to your elbows, binding your arms behind your back. 

“Shut up!” The man said, bashing you in the side of your head with the butt end of his pistol. Your vision went black for a moment, head going blank as your eyes fluttered shut. Blood trickled down the side of your face from the newly formed gash on your forehead. Through hazy vision and muffled hearing, you saw George turn his head towards Dio. 

“Please, see to it that he’s buried next to Dario,” He said in a raspy voice. 

No, you thought. Don’t put him anywhere near that scumbag. Dio is so much better than that man. He’s too much of a precious metal to be placed by that rusting and bent iron man. 

“Sir Joestar!” Everyone exclaimed, making you flick your gaze to where George lay limp in his son’s arms. Your lips curled in a lazy grin and the bonds were yanked tighter around you. 

“We’ve lost much this night,” The inspector said. “A noble man’s soul has been taken from the world. “

“You’re wrong!” Speedwagon yelled. “Every ounce of good in that man was passed down to Jonathan, every bit of it! You can be sure. Jojo’s gonna live an upright life using what his father gave him. Rich folks are rubbish, watching ‘em flounce around, I wanna throw the whole lot of them into the Thames, but not the Joestars. They’re merciful and caring, all of them. The giants among men.”

Speedwagon glanced outside and his eyes widened. “W-what the hell?!” He suddenly exclaimed. “The body! Dio’s corpse...i-it...it vanished!”

“What?!” The policeman holding you exclaimed.

“Oi, copper, away from the window!” Speedwagon yelled, dashing away from the glass. Before the inspector could move, however, the top half of his head was sliced clean off. 

“The inspector!”

A figure jumped from the roof and landed gently on the ground in front of everyone. Through blurry eyes, you almost immediately recognized Dio. He glanced around the room before his eyes landed on you. Your eyes were half-lidded, still knocked in a daze with blood running down your cheek, and pooling under your shoulder where you’d been shot. Your wrist and arms were tied together behind you, and an officer sat on your hip, one hand laced in your hair, keeping your head to the ground, the other holding a gun to the middle of your back. Dio glanced around the room at the bodies that laid around you, bloody and lifeless, and pieced everything together. You watched as his lips curled back in anger, exposing his new-found fangs.

“Get away from Vex!” Speedwagon yelled. “He’s after them!” The officer on you scrambled to get away running towards the only remaining officers as Dio began walking towards you. 

“He’s coming right at us!” One of the officers shouted. 

“What are you waiting for? Shoot him with everything you’ve got left!” Speedwagon yelled. Jonathan snatched one of the guns from the men and held it towards Dio. 

“Don’t come any closer!” Dio simply grinned, scoffing slightly as Jonathan’s hand trembled. “Not another step! I mean it!” Dio continued to walk until his forehead was pressed against the barrel of the gun. 

“Do it!” Speedwagon yelled. “Blow his brains out before he kills us all!”

Jonathan frowned and moved the gun to the side, pointing it at you. “Back away, Dio. Or I’ll kill them,” 

You laughed as you began to sit up, making all of them turn towards you. You rested on your knees as you looked up at Jonathan, a wicked grin spread across your lips. “Do it, Joestar,” You said, e/c eyes glinting in the moonlight as your face became illuminated from the strike of lightning outside. 

“You don’t have the balls,”

Speedwagon moved around Jonathan and fired his gun at Dio. The bullet went straight through his head, making Dio’s eyes widen a little. Everyone watched in horror as Dio took another step forward. 

“Shot him in the head, and it didn’t even slow him down!” Speedwagon exclaimed. “It doesn’t make any sense! With all the lead we put in him, he should be worm food by now!”

“Jojo,” Dio growled. “I should thank you for this newfound power. Your father’s blood and the ancient mask together are impossible to defeat now,” The police officer who hovered around you cried out in pain and Dio jumped towards him and sunk his claws into the sides of his head. Just like in the alley, just a few hours ago, the man began to be sucked dry of his blood. Dio sighed in satisfaction and dropped behind you. With a swift motion of his hand, the bonds on your wrists and arms were severed, allowing you to finally move. You stood onto your feet as Dio stepped beside you, his body shielding you from the others. 

“He took that man’s very life, but how is that possible?” Jonathan asked aloud. “Dio, you villain! What sort of monster have you become?!” Dio threw the man at the others, and while they were busy dealing with that, Dio looked down towards you and frowned deeply. You clutched onto the arm he had extended in front of you, breathing heavily but less ragged than before. It’s almost as if...Dio felt his eyes widen slightly as you glanced up at him. As soon as he’d pulled you into his side, you’d relaxed. You weren’t scared of him. He didn’t frighten you, even as he drained the life from the man above you. You looked up at him and glared.

“You took far too long, Brando.”

The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio Brando X Reader•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon