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The moment where Jonathan confronted Dio was long-awaited. With having gathered enough evidence to support his claim of Dio poisoning his father, George, just as he did to his own father, Dario, when he was still a boy, Jonathan was ready to put Dio behind bars. You could tell that Dio wasn’t expecting it to happen so quickly, but you knew he was going to fight against him. You weren’t a psychic, so you had no idea what the blonde was thinking, but you knew he didn’t want you to jump in the middle. The subtle hand he extended towards you, making you were still beside him told you that much. You were anxious, not being able to exactly tell what was going to happen next. You could sense other presences in the area, but the room was so large it was hard to tell where any of them were or how many of them were in there. Glancing back at Dio, you could see something swirling behind his pretty amber eyes. It was time for him to finish what he started, and you were going to help him. 

“I’ve tracked down the antidote,” Jonathan said, placing the candlestick on a table. “Father took it moments ago. Dio, this pains me greatly. For years, you were my brother, and now I have no recourse but to turn you in.”

Your cloak fluttered around you as you settled beside Dio, who sat across from Jonathan. The hood over your head cast a shadow across your face, and with the added darkness, your face wasn’t visible to either of them. “Then you’ll turn me in with him.”

“Vex, you betrayed my trust and helped Dio plot to kill my father, didn’t you?” Jonathan asked. 

“I betrayed no one’s trust. I ended your little antics years ago because you and I didn’t belong as friends. Not then, and not now. Brando and I are friends, and I’m in this as much as he is,” You said. 

“I’m sorry, truly I am,” He said, glancing at the fake sling you made for Dio’s arm. “I’m sure neither of you believes a word of it, but I’m telling the truth.”

“Even now, you show compassion,” Dio said, turning his head to Jonathan before lowering it. “Jojo, I’ve been a devil, but grant me this one wish.”

You frowned as Jonathan’s lips parted in shock. Where was this idiot going with this? Did he even have a reason? Was he trying to weasel his way out of this like he’d done everything else? He was right, Jonathan still showed compassion, even as Dio never denied poisoning their father after he’d been caught. Could he be trying to manipulate Jonathan and take advantage of the man’s kindness? He could have very well, you wouldn’t put it past him. Dio was a manipulator, and one hell of a good actor. 

The blonde raised his head once more, holding a hand over his heart as he looked to Jonathan with furrowed brows and sorrowful eyes. “Allow me to do the right thing for once in my life and turn myself in.”

Your eyes widened. What the hell was he thinking? He better have a damn good plan or you were going to kill him before the police could get their hands on him. You would have figured the idiot would fight Jonathan for tooth and nail once he’d been confronted. And apparently, Jonathan thought the same. Then you saw it, the brief glance at you in the corner of his eyes so quickly you almost didn’t catch it. You then remembered what was in your pocket. You had the Stone mask. You now know why Dio had insisted you keep possession of it. 

As Dio rambled on about his past and a made-up sob story, you saw something glint behind Jonathan. 

“Dio-” You stepped in front of Dio and your hand hovered over your blade, eyes narrowing as another match was struck, illuminating a new face. 

“Look alive, Master Joestar. He’s trying to lure you in, like as not.” You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face as you saw the familiar scar dragging down his cheek and the pair of chocolate brown eyes. “Nice to see you again, Vex.”

The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio Brando X Reader•Where stories live. Discover now