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Phantom Blood Dio has my heart and forever will 🥰

“Y/n, Kaliah, are you ready?” Elijah entered the room to gather you and Kaliah but stopped in the doorway. His eyes widened at the sight before him, and heat rose to his cheeks, turning his face a deep shade of crimson. 

“What the fu-”

“Language! You are playing as a noblewoman, so behave like one!” Kaliah said, pulling the strings on the corset, making you gasp and wince. 

“Goddammit!” You exclaimed, wheezing slightly as the breath was torn from your lungs. “You’re crushing my insides!”

“That’s the pain of being a woman!” Kaliah said, pulling the silk gown around you. “Deal with it!”

“I don’t want to be a woman!” You yelled back, huffing as you blew strands of your curled h/c hair away from your face. Kaliah straightened the gown at your hips, making sure the white silk fabric wasn’t bunched up. 

The dress wasn’t the fanciest that Kaliah had laid out, and you were perfectly fine with it; you preferred it that way. The gown was long, especially with your height, and pooled at your feet. The top was laced up, slightly left open near your bust, that Kaliah had made sure were on display. The dress hung from your shoulders and had sleeves, which you were thankful to hide your scars with. You expected the dress to be heavy, but was surprised when you moved around, the edges light and flowy. Kaliah had fought with you, but after realizing it was pointless, she didn’t try to put you in a pair of heels again. The tips of your leather boots poked out from under the dress as Kaliah raised it slightly and fixed the hem. 

“Your hair will not stay curled like this,” She fussed, twisting some of your hair around her finger to try and bring back the bounciness of it. 

“Tch. You should have left it alone,” You grumbled. 

“My God,”

Both of you snapped your heads to the door, where Elijah still stood in shock. He eyed you up and down, burning the image of your form into his mind. You glared harshly at him as your cheeks rose up in a blush. 

“I would have never thought…” He mused, grinning as he strutted across the room towards you. 

“Get your hands off me you want-to-be casanova,” You hissed. 

“Oh come on!” He said. “Don’t be so hard to get. I’ve never seen you dolled up like this,”

“And you will forget about it as soon as this is all over with, got it? If I ever hear a word of it from you, I’ll cut your dick off and shove it up your ass,” You warned. 

“I’d leave it alone if I were you, Elijah,” Kaliah said, fetching her purse from the vanity. “Now, we must be off. We shouldn’t be late.”

“If you don’t stop eyeing me, I’ll gouge your eyes out, Peirce.” You warned, glaring at Elijah in the corner of your eyes as the three of you walked towards the stairs to enter the mansion. You remembered Kaliah’s words and lifted the end of the dress so you didn’t accidentally step on the hem and tear it, or trip. 

“Last names now?” He said, grinning down at you. “You sure act like a lady,”

“I’ll show you a lady when I stick my foot up your-”

“Y/n, remember what I told you,” Kaliah warned, glancing back at you. “Best behavior.”

You huffed. “Yes ma’am,” Elijah snickered beside you, and you were quick and subtle to slam your foot down on his making him yelp with pain. You rushed up to Kaliah’s side and shot him a grin over your shoulder. 

The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio Brando X Reader•Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora