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“Stay away from them,” Elizabeth warned, glaring at the redhead as he tried to enter the back end of the tavern once again. Dio glared in the corner of his eyes, locking eyes with Elijah before turning back to you. 

“Let me see,” He said quietly. You hesitantly shook your hand, leaning away from him.

“I-I’m fi-fine,” You rasped out. Your throat was bruised badly and even swelled up a little bit, making it sort of difficult to talk. Your hand had been around it the whole time, and you wouldn’t let anyone near it. Dio understood why you didn’t. Your throat was the most vulnerable spot on your body. You would have to trust someone completely in order to let them anywhere near it. 

“At least put this on it,” He mumbled, handing you a cloth. Inside of it was a block of ice and you could feel the coldness as you took it from his hand, and placed it against your throat. You leaned back against the wall, placing your feet on the chair in front of you. Dio sat beside you in the small booth, respecting your personal space, and kept a fair distance from you, making sure he wasn’t crowding you. 

“Are you alright boy?” The barkeeper asked as he entered the room. 

“I’m fine as long as you keep him away,” The blonde spat, watching as Elizabeth pushed Elijah away once more. He’d been at it for at least an hour. 

“He’s not getting here, so don’t you worry, alright Vex?” He said, placing a hand on your head and ruffling your hair up. He turned to Dio. “Why don’t you take them out the back and get them the hell out of here?”

“Yeah,” He said, standing up. He then turned to you and waited for your response. You seemed to be contemplating something, but after a moment you stood up. The barkeeper left to help his daughter keep the redhead at bay so you could leave, bidding you one last farewell before he was off. Placing the ice pack down, you snatched your cloak from the back of the chair and fastened it around your neck. You winced and tugged it down before unclasping it. Even the lightest touch on your neck made shockwaves of pain shoot from the spot. 

Your vision suddenly went black, making you blink before removing what was thrown at you. A coat. Dio’s coat. Raising your gaze up, you spotted him waiting by the back entrance, hands shoved in his pockets as he waited for you. You looked back down at the coat. Your hands balled up the fabric as your eyebrows furrowed, a frown tugging on your lips.


Dio looked over at you in confusion. “Huh?”

“Why are you doing this?” Your voice was scratchy, making you cringe at the feeling. Dio shifted to look at you. 

“If you think I’m taking pity on you, then you’re sorely mistaken. I could care less about your pain or your wellbeing. I’m only trying to keep you alive so that we can work together again. I need your skills, and if you’re dead, then I can’t have them. It’s obvious you get yourself into a lot of trouble, so I’ll make a deal with you,” He said, eyes darkening as he made contact with your shimmering orbs. He had to admit, they were beautiful.

“I don’t make deals with chavs like you,” You said, making him grin. 

“Then I guess you’ll be stuck in all kinds of trouble, won’t you?” He said. You threw his coat back at him. 

“I don’t need your help,”

“Is that so?” He taunted walking closer to you. He looked down at you and snatched your chin, making you gasp softly. “Because if it weren’t for me, you’d be dead right now. Your windpipe would be crushed, and you’d be lying on the floor without a heartbeat. I saved your life, and don’t forget it.”

Your lips curled back in a snarl. “B-bastard,”

Dio grinned maliciously. The spark in his eyes made a hard shiver run down your spine as he removed his hand from your chin. “I may be a bastard. But I’m a bastard you are now in debt with.”

“You’re a wanker,” You spat venomously, glaring at him harshly. Dio grinned further as he turned away, throwing his coat around his shoulders. 

“I’ll see you when I need your service,” He said, waving a hand over his shoulder before walking from the door. 

He was just going to walk away? Just a few hours ago he was comforting you from almost dying, now he was being a complete arsehole. Now you understand why Jonathan Joestar hated him so much. He was deceiving. A liar. Two-faced. He was a heartless and conniving man. But, you needed him just as much as he needed you. Without his help, you would never get your part of the Joestar fortune. Kaliah had not held out on her part, making sure she gave you a third of what she promised. Dio on the other hand had given you exactly what he said. You hated saying it, but Dio was actually more reliable than that old hag. You growled and ran after him. 

“Brando!” You called, making him stop and turn in the alley. 

“Yes?” He raised an eyebrow. 

“The stupid test subject you needed,” You said, gaining his full attention.

“What about it? I’m surprised you still remember with how much you drank last night,” Dio said, glancing behind you at the rising sun. 

“You said it doesn’t have to be me, right?” The blonde gave a short nod. “Then I’ll find someone for you. But it isn’t coming for free,”

“Never thought it would,” He said, reaching into his pocket. He threw a pouch at you and you could hear the pounds clattering around inside as you caught it. “My father is holding a ball this weekend. I’ll be assuming you’ll be there with your bandwagon of scum.”

You scoffed. Dio grinned at you as he placed a hat on the top of his head, sealing away his crown of golden blonde hair from the rising sun. 

“I’ll look forward to seeing you there.”

The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio Brando X Reader•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant