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The time reads 7:13, on January 2, 1886, in London, England.

"Like this?" The blonde-haired girl looked at her father, then to the piece of fabric in your hands to compare the stitching patterns.

"Not quite," James said, leaning forward to show her the correct way. "If you stitch it that way, then the seam won't be strong, and everything would fall apart."

"Well, how do you two do it so easily?" Samantha asked as she watched you tie the end of the thread on a pair of trousers. 

"I've done this much longer than you have," You chuckled, making sure everything was sewn before handing the pants back to Michael, who'd torn them on his way home from school. "You'll get the hang of it soon enough."

"Don't worry Sam," James said, smiling brightly at his daughter. "Y/n was just as clumsy as you are,"

"I was not!" You argued, standing up as you tossed the trash into the bin. 

"I'd say you were," A redhead spoke from the cushions in the other room, looking up from his book as he grinned. "Used to be a real church-bell too."

"And you're a gal-sneaker, Elijah!" Samantha called. "Ain't nothing but a womanizer! Papa says to stay away from boys like you!"

"I'd stay at least ten meters back from that eye-sore. You never know when he'll drop one of those corny lines that make you cringe," James laughed. 

"Oh, har-har," Elijah rolled his eyes. "But I'm not like that now, am I?"

"That's 'cause you got goo-goo eyes for Y/n!" Michael said, sticking his tongue out in disgust. 

"Oh, look!" Helen snickered as Elijah's cheeks tinted red. "We've got him all poked up!"

"Who wouldn't?" Elijah said, glancing at you. "They're quite the beauty. Say, why don't we run off and get hitched in a little church in the country?" He asked with a lopsided grin, placing his arm above your head. You glared up at him with a small smile. 

"You're mad," You stated, walking away. 

"Why not?" He called after you. "You're eighteen! Most people are married at this point!"

"I'm not most people, and even if I did marry, it wouldn't be to the likes of you. I just might catch a disease and die from it," You said. 

"Ouch," Harry said, patting Elijah's shoulder as he passed. 

"C'mon Y/n," The redhead said, cutting you off as he grabbed your shoulders. "It wouldn't hurt anything,"

"I'm not marrying you," You said, flicking his forehead. "And I won't date you either, so don't even ask,"

Elijah closed his mouth with a pout, looking down at you with puppy eyes. You shoved his head away as you walked past and retrieved your cloak from the back of the chair. 

"Y/n, are you going out?" James called. 

"I am! Why?" You returned to the main room as you fastened the clasp. 

"Please be careful," He said, standing up and placing his hand on the top of your head to ruffle your hair. "You always worry me when you leave and don't come back for days on end."

"Like a stray cat!" Elijah added as he walked past. You stuck your foot out and tripped him. He fell face-first into the hardwood flooring with a loud thud and a groan of pain.

“I deserved that,”

"Don't worry. I'll be home later tonight with something to eat. I'm collecting some pounds that I'm owed," You said, pulling your hood up. James reached out and grabbed your hand, slipping the glove from it and untied the bandages. Your hand was scarred and bruised. It was your dominant hand, and the one you'd broken three years ago. James examined it before wrapping it up again and slipped your glove back on. 

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