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“Watch what you’re doing, you foozler!” You barked, jerking away from Jonathan, who held a cotton ball and alcohol in hand. He was trying to clean the wounds on your arms and hands. The doctor couldn’t come until tomorrow, so he begged until you let him clean your wounds. And did you regret it? Most definitely.

“I’m going to pour that alcohol down your throat if you touch me with it again!” You yelled, reeling away. 

“Vex!” Jonathan groaned. “Please, I have to make sure these don’t get infected. Just please hold still for two minutes!”

“It hurts!” You growled. 

“Because you keep moving so much! Just sit still!” He said, taking your arm and dapping the gash with the cotton. You hissed in pain and fought back the urge to pull out your blade and cut his fingers off. Jonathan moved quickly yet efficiently, making sure that the first wound was thoroughly cleaned before moving to the next. 

Your chin rested on your palm as you glared at the tree in front of you. The hood over your head cast the frequent shadow over your face, hiding it away from view. The tree both of you sat under provided enough cover from the blazing sun and the glare from the stream was slightly blinding your peripheral vision. You looked down at your arm where Jonathan carefully wiped the rest of the alcohol away, setting it off to the side, and picked up a small bottle. 

“What’s that?” You asked, frowning. 

“It does lots of things,” He replied. “It counts as an antibiotic to fight off any infection, and it helps with scarring.” He scooped some on his finger and swiped it across your arm. “This one doesn’t hurt. See?”

You huffed and turned away. Immediately, your eyes landed on the blonde strutting towards you. You tensed up, and Jonathan looked over, tensing as well. 

“Great, here comes the menace,” Jonathan mumbled. “That’s Dio.”

“Dio?” You repeated, turning your head to him. Your eyes were visible to him. “You mean that rat bastard is your brother?”

“You know him?” Jonathan asked, wrapping your arm in the gauze. 

“Not exactly,” You muttered. “I bumped into the old rag on the street and stole his wallet. He was an arsehole. But you best keep your mouth shut about that,” Jonathan nodded. 

“Jojo,” Dio called with a frown. Your head lowered, hiding your face from view. “What the hell are you doing? And who is that?”

“They were hurt, so I offered to bandage their wounds,” Jonathan said, clasping the pin to keep the bandages snug on your arm. You had to admit, it felt a hell of a lot better than it did before. 

“Do you even know who it is?” Dio asked, glaring at your figure. 

“No,” Jonathan said, moving to wipe your bloodied knuckles with some water from the stream. “But it doesn’t matter.”

“Random acts of kindness will get you nowhere, you know,” Dio said, leaning against the tree. Had he only come to pester Jonathan? You wondered, glancing at him in the corner of your eye. Your gaze glided over his figure, before turning back to Jonathan as he finished wrapping your hand. 

“There. Hopefully, it should last. I’m sorry I couldn’t do any better. Be careful with your hand, I believe it’s broken,” Jonathan said, helping you onto your feet. You carefully flexed your fingers, careful not to strain any of the muscles, and nodded. You then turned to your horse. Jonathan held the reins for you as you climbed on, and after making sure everything was correct, he stepped back. You gave a short nod as thanks, but before you could move, Dio stepped in front of you. You turned to go the other direction when he mimicked your actions. 

“Dio, knock it off. Let the poor soul go!” Jonathan said, trying to intervene. 

“Shut up, Jojo,” He sneered. You snapped the reins, making the horse neigh loudly and stand on its hind legs. Dio dashed to the side quickly to avoid being hit by the horse’s strong legs. The horse pranced around as you yanked the reins back to steady it.

“Arsehole!” Dio exclaimed, stumbling back. You glared at him before moving to the side and guided the horse away in a trot. 

You got about fifty meters away before hearing yelling. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Jonathan slamming Dio onto the ground. A faint grin crawled on your lips, only to fall when Dio flipped out a blade. You watched as Jonathan reeled back to avoid getting stabbed. 

He didn’t care. He would kill Jonathan and not think about it once more. From what Jonathan told you about him, he’d act innocent afterward too. You felt a pang in your chest, and your stomach swirled around. You felt guilty. Jonathan had helped you in more ways than you could count. Huffing in annoyance, you turned around and forced your horse into a gallop back towards the two boys. You barely slowed before you were jumping off and rolling to the ground. 

Dio didn’t even have time to react before you were slamming your fist into his jaw and sent him stumbling backward. Pain shot up through your hand and you grabbed your wrist as you winced. Yeah, if your hand hadn’t been broken before, it was now. You caught a glimpse of Dio rushing towards you with his blade held at his side. You jumped back to avoid his swipe, your eyes narrowing behind your hood. You could tell that he had some experience with a blade, but you could still point out every mistake he was making. Your hand clamped around his wrist and you twisted his arm. Dio grunted and tied swinging a punch at you with his other hand, but your forearm stopped him. You dug your finger into the pressure point in his wrist and made his blade fall to the ground with a thump. Dio kneed you in the stomach and you broke the grip you had on him, and your eyes widened as he kicked his leg up. You dropped to your knees as you bent backward, watching his leg brush across your hood. You jumped onto your feet and swiped his legs from under him. Dio scrambled for his blade, and you lunged to grab it before him. Your shoulder screamed with pain, and you yelped in surprise, wincing in pain. 

Thankfully, Jonathan grabbed Dio when he did. He grabbed a fistful of the blonde’s hair and bashed his head against the tree. While Dio was dazed, He grabbed you, careful not to touch any of your injuries, and ran to your horse. He helped you up before swinging himself in front and snapped the reins. The horse jerked forwards, and you glanced back at Dio before turning back to look at the man in front of you. 

“I think you’re the ninny now!” Jonathan called. “Are you alright? Why on Earth would you do that?”

“I don’t like owing people things!” You grunted, grabbing your shoulder as you winced again. “Don’t think I wanted to save you! I was only repaying a debt!”

Jonathan glanced back at you. “I’ll take you back to the manor. If Father knows you helped me, then he’ll gladly let you in and call a doctor for you.”

“I’m fine, Joestar!” You snapped. 

“No, you aren’t!” He yelled back. “Stop pretending, Vex! You might not be used to people caring about you, so get used to it! You’re my friend, and I’m going to help you and care about your well-being!”

You felt your eyes widen without even realizing it. Your breath hitched in your throat, and your chest suddenly felt tight. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears and wondered if he could as well. You felt your throat constrict, like a python circling its prey. 

Your hands inched forward on their own until they clutched the back of Jonathan’s dress coat tightly.

The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio Brando X Reader•Where stories live. Discover now