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Long-ish chapter

2376 words.

“You better have a damn good reason to show your face here again, Dio Brando,” Elijah spat, glaring harshly at the blonde as he entered the tavern. Dio glared equally as hard at the redhead as he scoffed. 

“My business here doesn’t concern you. Where is Vex?” He asked as Elijah leaned against the counter. 

“Their business is mine, so whatever you have to say, I’d be glad to pass the message along,” Elijah said.

“Unfortunately, this information is for Vex only,” Dio sneered. “Where are they?”

Elijah crossed his arms over his chest. “Busy. They’re not here.”

“Where can I find them then?” Dio huffed. 

“Like I said,” Elijah said, his eyes darkening dangerously. “I’d be happy to take a message.”

“Like I said,” Dio growled. “It’s for their ears only.”

“Then I guess you’ll just have to come back another time, then won’t you?” The redhead sneered. 

You sighed from your place in the doorway, making them both turn to look at you in surprise. You rubbed the side of your head as you walked inside. “The two of you bicker like children.”

“I need to talk with you,” Dio muttered as you walked past. 

“I’ve heard,” You said, tapping your hand on the bar before pointing to the back. Elizabeth nodded and took a glass out. “Back here, Brando. And you stay, Elijah.”

“Like hell,” The man scoffed. You shot him a dangerous glare over your shoulder. Your gaze pierced straight through him, making a shudder run down his spine. He could tell you weren’t in the best of moods. Elijah huffed and stayed back as you led Dio through the back. You motioned to the table and sat down across from him with an exasperated sigh.

“Here, Vex. I brought one for your friend too. They’re on the house. You look exhausted,” Elizabeth said, placing two frosted glasses on the table filled with rum. 

“Thanks, Lizzy,” You said, taking the glass with a grin. “I appreciate it.”

“No problem. Holler if you need anything else,” The blonde girl smiled before walking away, disappearing behind the curtain. 

“She’s quite the church-bell,” Dio said. 

“Just like most of the girls in this part of town,” You muttered, tipping your head back as you down your glass. “Now, what do you want so late at night?”

“I have an idea, and I want to know if you’ll be willing to participate,” Dio said, sipping on his glass with a grin crawling on his face. You frowned slightly as you kicked your feet onto the table and folded your arms behind your head. 

“Alright Brando,” You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that night. “Let’s hear it,”

“I need a test subject for the mask. W-”

“I’m going to stop you right there,” You interrupted. “A test subject? How much alcohol do you have in your system?”

“I assure you I’m perfectly sober,” He chuckled. “I assume you read the notes Jojo took on the mask, didn’t you?”

“I did,” You muttered. “And if I’m thinking correctly, you want to use the mask on someone?”

“Think about it, Vex,” He said. “The Stone Mask is powerful and with it, both of us could destroy the Joestar’s and take their fortune. Everyone in England would know who we were. You wouldn’t ever have to worry about scurrying around like a sewer rat.”

The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio Brando X Reader•Where stories live. Discover now