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“Y/n, sweetheart why aren’t you eating?” The soft voice of the woman’s voice flooded your ears, making you look up from the plate in front of you. Concern was washed over her face, thin eyebrows furrowed together with a small frown. “Are you okay?”

You pushed your plate away. “I’m not hungry,”

“Y/n, you haven’t had anything in two days. Eat,” James said, also showing his concern for you. 

“I don’t want it,” You said. “Give it to Michael or Helen,”

“We’ve already eaten,” Helen replied. 

“You need to get something in your system, Y/n,” Joette said, reaching over to hold your hand. You glared hard at her, making her frown deepen. “Please, for me?”

You pulled your hand away and placed it in your lap. “No,”

“Y/n,” James sighed. 

“I said I don’t want it!” You stood up, knocking your chair over, and ran down the hall. You dashed into your room and jumped on the mattress. You slid your hand under the pillow and felt around the semi-hard surface. When your fingers touched the cold and engraved metal, you pulled it from under the pillow and folded your legs under you. You leaned against the wall and pulled your knees into your chest. Your thumb swiped across the engravings and your eyes shined with tears as a deep sense of sadness overwhelmed you. 

The mattress dipped beside you, and you smelled the warm scent of cinnamon. Joette placed her hand on yours. “Tell me what’s the matter,”

“Why did they leave me? Was I not good enough?” Your bottom lip quivered. “Why did my father leave this to me, but he never was there?”

“Your parents were the pure scum of the Earth, Y/n. They didn’t deserve to have you as their child. You are the strongest, quickest little kid in all of London. You’re intelligent, book smart, and considerate. It was their loss if you ask me,” The older women smiled, pulling you into her side. You sniffled, and no tears dared break over your eyes to cascade down your cheeks. You wiped them away before they could. 

“You are strong, Y/n. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

“What time is it?”

“Don’t you have a watch?” Dio asked, looking over from his spot in his chair. You turned the page and sighed. 

“Elijah stole it,”

“Hmm,” Dio said, glancing at the clock. “It’s 2:30. It’s time to give Father his next dosage of medicine.” He said, standing up. 

“Have fun with that,” You said. 

“Oh I will, because you are coming with me,” He said. You glared up at him as he stood in front of you, one hand on his hip, the other extended out to you. You scoffed and looked back down at your book. 

“You’re perfectly capable of doing it by yourself,” You huffed. “Or are you scared of being alone, Brando?” You grinned. 

“Go willingly, or I’ll drag you,” He said, raising an eyebrow. 

“Are you deaf? I said piss off,” You growled, beginning to become irritated. “Maybe you should be named Vex instead.”

“I want you to come with me, because I need to show you something in my desk, anyhow,” He said, snatching the book from your hands. You growled in annoyance as he placed the bookmark between the pages and set it to the side before taking your hand and pulled you up from the chair. 

The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio Brando X Reader•Where stories live. Discover now