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I sat in a little corner under a bridge shivering. The river had frozen almost solid, the ice and snow creating a thick layer on the ground, the ice-cold wind whistled through cutting through any poor soul left outside like knives, The snow fluttering down from the looming clouds, the warm glow of firelight from houses windows only made me feel even colder. I couldn't use my boat to sleep as the tide had come in almost flooding my boat.

I saw people wandering past with shopping and such like, I saw someone in a long blue dress and a black coat she saw me and I looked away not wanting her to see me.

"Hello? Are you alright?" she asked kneeling by me

"I'm fine" I sighed

"You're not sleeping here are you?" she asks

"What's it to you?"

"I wanted to know, Are you sleeping here tonight?"

"Yeah what do you care?"

"Did you want to come with me?" she asks offering her hand

"Where?" I asked

"Someplace warm, out of the snow." she offered and I sighed taking her hand, it was so warm and soft I happily held her hand and she leads me through the town to a little house I was a little worried but honestly it was so cold and snowy even if she did want to use me then I'll take it at least it's a warm bed for the night. She pulled me inside this little house where everything was cooking and a fire roaring up the chimney putting her coat and on a hook and going to her kitchen "What's your name?" she asks

"Uhh lampwick," I told her looking around the house "and you are?"

"Miss y/n" she smiled "Get cosy by the fire if you like?" she suggested, "take off your coat if you like too?"

I went over to the fire warming myself up. It was strange how numb I was and how frozen I honestly must have been "Lampwick could I borrow you?" she asks

"Uhh sure" I nodded going over and wrapping my arms around her waist pushing myself against her puffy dress and warm body

"Oohh uhhh what are you doing?" she asked

"I uhh I thought that's what you wanted?"

"No, I wanted you to taste this for me," she says offering me a spoonful of something she was cooking so I had a taste

"Umm that's delicious"

"Good, go have a seat dinner will be ready in a moment" she smiled I nodded going over to the table and she came over with two plates she handed me one and then sat across from me with the other

"Uhhh I'm sorry, I thought you wanted-"

"Ohh no, Why is that something you.." she began

"Sometimes, when I need the money"

"What do you need the money for?"

"Food usually"

"Why were you under the bridge?"

"I usually stay out in a little boat on the beach but in this weather, it's far too wet and cold" I explain

"Ohh you poor thing," she says holding my hand as we ate "well you can have as much food as you like,"

"Why did you help me?"

"You looked so cold and helpless. I wanted to help" she smiled "I was cooking for two anyway"

"You where?" I asked, "for who other than yourself?"

"My husband"

"Ohh I see"

"Umm, But... He's not coming home"

"Will he be home tomorrow?"

"No, he's not coming home... at all," she says sadly

"Ohh I'm so sorry"

"It's alright, I never liked him much anyway, my father insisted I married him when I was younger" she explained "I don't mind giving you a hand, better then it going to waste"

"Well thank you, I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you"

"It's alright, you can do the washing up" she smiled

"Deal" I smiled

"Merry Christmas Lampwick" she smiled holding up her glass so I cheers with her

"Merry Christmas Miss y/n" I smiled 

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