Among The Stones

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I finished up my cigarette watching everyone heading home away from the low darkness of the autumnal night, the darkness crawling through early in these nights so late into the year. I did my best to stay out of it even if the sight of the grey darkness loomed over the town and the sweet beautiful orange and red glow from within each window and doorway of the beautiful warm flames but I knew I couldn't do anything but a dream. The idea of being out on the beach in the sand was out of the question. it would be ice cold and the water had already flooded my little boat so no way I could sleep there. The smaller cobblestone bridge wasn't an option either as the bridge was getting repaired and wouldn't be safe to sleep under tonight. There was no way I could find a bed for the night, I couldn't pay for one from the hotel and the only way I'd get one was to be some old bag bed warmer and I do not want that. leaving me with only one option.

I put out my cigarette and headed through the town along the cobbles until I reached the much darker part of town without a single street lamp.

I reached the tall black and gold spiked fence following it around until it got to the tall gate. I pushed it open listening to its harsh whine from the metal I immediately noticed as soon as I got inside that the small grave diggers' house beside the gates had the doors closed up tightly and barely any light coming from it. So I snuck past the little house and walked through the gravel path between the grey and silver stones bast the various blooms that sat upon each of the graves.

I found a stone I knew well, it was well insulated by the other stones around it so I sat down and got my blanket from my bag huddling close to the stones doing my best to huddle close while still being respectful I shived in the icey cold wind and slight drops ofharsh rain doing my best just to get some sleep no matter how hard I tried I did my best but still found I couldn't sleep. My body was shivering where I was so cold, My stomach cramping and rummboling where I hadn't eaten for three days and even then it was only a couple of donuts I managed to snag from the bakers trash that hadn't gone off simply stale and unsold, everything hurt and I just couldn't sleep I sat up a little watching the endless darkness around me.

But I saw among the stones was a flash of light blue I didn't think much of it, I assumed it was just my mind playing tricks on me but I kept seeing it, as if someone was moving among the stones, as well as this ghostly voice on the wind.

I knew it was just my cold sleep deprived mind trying to get some sleep.

I looked up and saw a girl.

In a long light blue dress, she was deathly pale and she loomed over me. A Horrific ghost.

I froze up my back against the stone.

She smiled at me offering her hand, as if her skin was slightly glowing as she offered it to me, I thought of a banshee. Of someone to bring you forward to the other side.

I shook my head but she smiled sweetly and kelt down to my level still offering her hand "Come" she smiled in the same sweet voice I had heard on the wind

"I- I don't want to go. I- I'm not ready yet"

"its time" she smiled "I'll take care of you I promise"

I didn't want to, but I knew that if it was true and it was time. I didn't have much choice.

I sighed and took her hand gently she smiled and helped me up pulling me close to her, the moment our hands touched they where warm and soft I felt like my stomach didn't hurt, my body warm, and I didn't ache, I didn't feel like anything bothered me at all.

"where are we going?"

"somewhere beautiful" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss "Come on," she smiled tugging me along with her among the stones...

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