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I sat on the stone fountain, watching people as they headed into their houses, Locking them up tight and turning off the lights. The whole town sat on edge tonight as darkness fell. Everyone knew what was to happen tonight but I didn't have anywhere to go so I had no choice but to face the streets. I finished my cigar and put it out on the stone fountain looking across the town darkness utterly took over. I hurried myself away trying to find somewhere to sleep for the night and keep myself safe. I found myself in the dark churchyard, the grass high littered with grey stones, I shut the gate behind me hearing it whine as I did. I made my way across the grass doing my best to stay quiet when I heard the gate whine again making me stop short- Maybe I just didn't shut it completely. I continued even if I was too nervous to breathe I kept checking behind me just in case but when I turned back to the church I saw this tall figure standing on the church roof looming over me in all black. My body went icy cold, unable to tear my eyes away, and my legs turned to jelly. The figure disappeared into the darkness, and for a moment I thought it to merely be my imagination but I heard the piercing screech of a bat, I tried to run as the bat came to attack me but it fell to the floor and the moment it touched the ground it transformed into the tall figure who cascaded the black velvet cloak to the ground to reveal them.

Wearing tall black leather riding boots laced up with red ribbon, a dress as black as night with red piped seams, a waist seemingly impossibly thin, a bustle of black and red plait at her back, a square neckline, with black spiderweb lace circular flounce sleeves covering her arms to her elbows and then from her neckline to her neck, A thick red choker around her neck with a blood red stone hung from it, black silk gloves from fingertip to elbow. Her hair was in tight curls pinned up with a long sharp blade, her skin deathly pale, with eye shadow as black as coal and lips as red as blood, She smelt of blood and roses and she bared her large bloody fangs at me. I ran as fast as I could around the various gravestones in the hope of losing her I ran to the church's heavy wooden doors but I found them locked. I banged on them as loud as I could screaming for help but people around here knew better than to open their doors on these nights. My body was slammed hard against the wooden door and I glanced to see her there smiling wickedly at me before I felt the sharp sting of pain in my neck causing my blood-curdling scream to echo across the town and I almost immediately lost consciousness.

I suddenly gasped trying to sit up but I banged my head "Oww" I complained I found myself in a small wooden box confused and panicked. I managed to slide the lid away and I sat up finding myself in a dark stone room with only a single window letting in a small ray of sunlight, I was sat in a wooden coffin dressed as I was last night, I looked around more at the high walls, stone carvings, religious items and symbols as well as a few shovels and realized where I must have been this is the crypt beside the church often used to store various church items as well as the bodies yet to be buried. What the hell! I'm not dead! I climbed out of the coffin and tried to make my way across the room "ahhh! fuck!" I complained I couldn't pass through the ray of light from the window as it felt like it burnt every inch of my skin just to be near it. Maybe I've been in here longer than I thought... I saw the black velvet cloak that the vampire girl left last night had been put here with me so I forced myself across the room even if it burnt to collect it wrapping it around myself before I headed out into the churchyard. The sun now shining it hurt my eyes to even glance at it my body felt so weak but it didn't burn so long as I kept the cloak close I saw a man with a shovel in hand digging a grave.

"Uhh Excuse me?" I asked He glanced over and his face turned white as a ghost as he saw me, before he collapsed falling into the freshly dug grave. Hu? Well, that's strange. I made my way out of the churchyard into the main town seeing as usual people busy bustling about but the moment they saw me people looked fearful, many ran inside shops and homes to get away, and women picked up their children from the square as they began to cry. What the hell's going on around here? Everyone stared and glared at me, they all looked afraid of me. I stopped a moment glancing at myself in the baker's window and I saw the cloak stood but I wasn't in it, where there was nothing. Holy fuck I'm a ghost! My clothes were in the reflection but not me? maybe I am dead. I continued to walk through unsure what do to or where to go when I saw a man come out of his shop looking directly at me as he threw a bottle at me barely missing me 

"Dirty Vampire! skulk off back to your crypt!" He yelled 

"Vampire?" I began The town then all perked up throwing things and shouting at me so I ran as fast as I could out of town stopping on the bridge for breath, I'm not a ghost... I'm a vampire. Last night she- she turned me. I guess I knew where to go then, I made my way out of town to the manor on the hill many said it was where the vampire lived but all too afraid to find out. I approached the beautiful house closed the gate with a whine and headed to the front door, I knocked but it opened for me letting me quickly head inside shutting the door I could pull off the cloak as no light came in the place lit only by fire and candles. 

"There you are, I was wondering then you'd get here" She chuckled at the top of the stairs in an almost skin-tight red dress her gloves gone revealing her long black nails and a glass in her hand I can only imagine was blood as the colour was perfect 

"What have you done to me!" 

"I gave you an immortal life. some would be thankful" 

"Thankful! you made me a monster!" 

"Fine, if it's that much of a problem for you I'll happily change you back. You can return to your boring life, stealing bread and sleeping under some mouldy old boat, and you can live out the rest of your short little life as a miserable human. Or you can stay here with me, have free roam of the manor, as much blood as you can drink, a room and bed all your own, and an eternity with me." she explained coming down the stairs to be beside me

"Wi-With you?" 

"I've been alone a long time thought it was time I... found someone to spend me time with" 

"And- out of everyone you picked me?" 

"You seemed the sweetest, and someone who needed a new life" 

"That's very kind of you, but the town thinks I'm a monster" 

"Who cares what those peasants think? They are merely our hunting grounds my sweet" She smiled offering her glass 

"A life, here with you? free food, board, everything I'll ever need? forever?" 


"What's the catch?" 

"Being a monster, and sharing the room" she winked I thought about it for a good while but I took the glass and hand a long sip it tasted so good filling my body with joy and heat and when I pulled the glass away I noticed I now had the deadly fangs the same as her "What's your name anyway?" 

"Lampwick, and uhh you are?" 

"Y/n, Come on I'll show you our room"

Lampwick One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now